Corporate Social Responsibility Event

Mediterranean Bank group is once again proud to be part of L-Istrina which aired on Saturday 26th December 2015 and which year after year raises awareness on the importance of giving and thinking of the less fortunate.

A donation of €10,000 was presented on behalf of Mediterranean Bank plc by Matthew Magro and a donation for €5,000 was presented on behalf of Mediterranean Corporate Bank Ltd by Sean Debattista to H.E. The President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and Mr. Edgar Preca in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund.

Ħidma fil-Komunita’

Il-grupp ta’ Mediterranean Bank huwa kburi li reġa’ kien parti minn ‘L-Istrina’, programm li xxandar is-Sibt 26 ta’ Diċembru, 2015 u li sena wara l-oħra iqajjem kuxjenza fuq l-importanza li tagħti u li taħseb fuq dawk inqas ixxurtjati.

Mediterranean Bank plc għamel donazzjoni ta’ €10,000 waqt li kien hemm donazzjoni oħra ta’ €5,000 minn Mediterranean Corporate Bank Ltd. Id-donazzjonijiet saru minn Matthew Magro u Sean Debattista, rispettivament, lil Eċċelenza tagħha, il-President ta’ Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca u r-raġel tagħha is-Sur Edgar Preca, għan-nom tal-Malta Communicty Chest Fund.



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