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Leadership change at MeDirect Group

As previously announced in a Malta Stock Exchange announcement dated 9 January 2025, after having led the MeDirect Group for more than five years, Arnaud Denis, the Group’s Chief Executive Officer, decided to leave MeDirect effective 31 January 2025.  During his time as CEO, Mr. Denis led the de-risking, scaling and transformation of the Group as a fully-fledged digital bank offering a wide range of banking, wealth and investment services, backed by cutting-edge technology.  He also oversaw the transition of MeDirect to a new controlling shareholder which, upon receiving regulatory approval, is committed to continuing to support and build the MeDirect bank franchises in Malta, Belgium and the Netherlands. 

The successor to Mr. Denis as Group CEO will, subject to regulatory approval, be Jean-Claude Maher.  Mr. Maher, who is currently the Group’s Chief Operating Officer, joined the MeDirect Group in July 2023 as an executive director and COO of MeDirect’s Belgian subsidiary, MeDirect Bank SA.  He has more than 30 years of experience in banking, and prior to joining MeDirect worked with Deutsche Bank AG, where he held various roles in research, corporate banking, transaction banking, private banking and country management.  His most recent role at Deutsche Bank was as Country Chief Operating Officer and Branch Manager of Deutsche Bank in Belgium.  Mr. Maher recently relocated to Malta to devote his full energies to the success of the MeDirect Group.

Photocaption: The MeDirect Group head office at The Centre, Tigné Point, Sliema.

Bidla fit-tmexxija tal-Grupp MeDirect

Kif diġa tħabbar f’avviż ippubblikat fuq il-Borża ta’ Malta fid-9 ta’ Jannar 2025, Arnaud Denis, l-Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv (CEO) tal-Grupp MeDirect, iddeċieda li jħalli l-kariga tiegħu ma’ MeDirect b’effett mill-31 ta’ Jannar 2025 wara li mexxa l-Grupp għal aktar minn ħames snin. Tul iż-żmien tiegħu bħala CEO, is-Sur Denis mexxa t-tkabbir u t-trasformazzjoni tal-Grupp f’bank diġitali li joffri firxa wiesgħa ta’ servizzi bankarji, u ta’ investimenti, appoġġjati minn teknoloġija avvanzata. Huwa mexxa wkoll it-tranżizzjoni ta’ MeDirect għal shareholder ġdid li, malli jirċievi l-approvazzjoni regolatorja, u diġa kkommetta li jkompli jappoġġja u jibni l-operat u l-franchise tal-banek MeDirect f’Malta, il-Belġju u l-Olanda.

Is-suċċessur tas-Sur Denis bħala CEO tal-Grupp se jkun, soġġett għall-approvazzjoni regolatorja, Jean-Claude Maher. Is-Sur Maher, li bħalissa huwa l-Kap Operattiv tal-Grupp, ingħaqad mal-Grupp MeDirect f’Lulju 2023 bħala direttur eżekuttiv u Chief Operating Officer (COO) tal-kumpanija sussidjarja Belġjana ta’ MeDirect, MeDirect Bank SA. Huwa għandu aktar minn 30 sena esperjenza fis-setturr bankarju, u qabel ma ingħaqad ma’ MeDirect ħadem ma’ Deutsche Bank AG, fejn kellu diversi rwoli fl-oqsma tar-riċerka, corporate banking, transaction banking, private banking u country management. L-aktar rwol riċenti tiegħu ma’Deutsche Bank kien bħala Country Chief Operating Officer u Branch Manager ta’ Deutsche Bank fil-Belġju. Is-Sur Maher issa ġie jgħix f’Malta biex jiddedika l-enerġija kollha tiegħu għas-suċċess tal-Grupp MeDirect.

Ritratt: L-uffiċċju prinċipali tal-Grupp MeDirect f’The Centre, Tigné Point, Tas-Sliema.

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