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MeDirect Mastercard users to be rewarded when shopping online

MeDirect customers who use their Mastercard debit cards during November and December can benefit from €20 cashback each month. To benefit from the Mastercard Pay & Get Rewards Programme, customers need to make a total of at least 5 online transactions within a calendar month worth a total of €100 or more, or the equivalent if transactions are made in other currencies. Cashbacks will be given for each month in which all eligible physical and virtual cards meet the conditions of the promotion.

The MeDirect Mastercard debit card, which is available for free, can be ordered and managed online through MeDirect’s online banking platform and mobile app. Customers can apply for both physical and virtual cards which can be used for in store and online purchases and to make cash withdrawals. The card can be used globally, wherever Mastercard is accepted.

Additionally, the MeDirect Mastercard debit card, offers the facility for customers to seamlessly use current accounts in different currencies such as Euro, US Dollars or British Sterling. This means customers can purchase items in those currencies without having to pay foreign exchange charges at the point of purchase. MeDirect customers also enjoy additional benefits such as free bank account transfers executed on the same day within the SEPA area and no commitment or management fees on their accounts.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Wealth at MeDirect Malta, said, “Following the successful launch of our card services last year and the recent introduction of digital wallets, an increasing number of customers have been enjoying the freedom and benefits of using their MeDirect debit card. Starting 4th November and through December, MeDirect has partnered with Mastercard so that customers can also benefit from a €20 cashback reward each month on the card they use to complete a minimum of 5 online purchases worth at least €100.”

More information on this promotion, including the full terms and conditions are available at https://promo.medirect.com.mt/mastercard-cashback-2024.

Offer is for a limited time only. Terms and Conditions apply. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371).

Cashback għal dawk li jużaw il-MeDirect Mastercard biex jixtru online

Il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect li jużaw il-Mastercard debit card tagħhom matul ix-xhur ta’ Novembru u Diċembru jistgħu jibbenefikaw minn cashback ta’ €20 kull xahar. Biex jibbenefikaw mill-Mastercard Pay & Get Rewards Programme, il-klijenti jridu jagħmlu mill-inqas 5 tranżazzjonijiet online li jammontaw ghal €100 jew aktar, jew l-ekwivalenti jekk it-tranżazzjonijiet isiru f’muniti oħra. Il-klijenti jingħataw il-cashbacks fuq cards, kemm fizici u anke virtwali, għal kull xahar li fih jonoraw it-termini tal-promozzjoni.

Il-MeDirect debit card, li hija offruta b’xejn, tista’ tiġi ordnata u mmaniġjata mill-pjattaforma ta’ l-online banking jew mil-mobile app. Il-klijenti jistgħu japplikaw kemm għal cards fiżiċi kif ukoll virtwali li jistgħu jintużaw għax-xiri kemm fi hwienet u anke online, kif ukoll ghall-ġbid ta’ flus kontanti. Id-debit card tista’ tintuża globalment, kull fejn jaċċettataw il-Mastercard.

Barra minn hekk, id-debit card ta’ MeDirect toffri l-faċilità lill-klijenti sabiex faċilment ikunu jistgħu jagħmlu użu minn kontijiet f’muniti differenti. Dan ifisser li l-klijenti jistgħu jixtru oġġetti f’dawk il-muniti mingħajr ma jkollhom iħallsu spejjeż tal-kambju. Il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect igawdu wkoll minn benefiċċji oħrajn bħall-faċilità li jsiru trasferimenti SEPA, esegwiti fl-istess gurnata, minghajr hlas.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Wealth ta’ MeDirect Malta, qalet, “Wara is-suċċess li gab s-servizz il-gdid tal-cards u t-tnedija riċenti ta’ digital wallets, qed naraw dejjem aktar klijenti li qed jibbenifikaw mill-benefiċċji offruti mid-debit card ta’ MeDirect. Mil-4 ta’ Novembru sa’ l-ahhar ta’ Diċembru, MeDirect ssieħeb ma’ Mastercard sabiex il-klijenti jkunu jistgħu jibbenefikaw ukoll minn cashback ta’ €20 kull xahar fuq il-card li jużaw biex jagħmlu minimu ta’ ħames tranżazzjonijiet online li jammontaw ghal aktar minn €100.”

Aktar informazzjoni dwar din il-promozzjoni, inklużi t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet jinstaw jinstabu fuq https://promo.medirect.com.mt/mastercard-cashback-2024/.

L-offerta hija għal żmien limitat. Termini u Kundizzjonijiet japplikaw. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni tal-kumpanija C34125, huwa liċenzjat mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta biex joffri servizzi bankarji skond it-termini ta’ l-Att dwar il-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371).

Join MeDirect today to access the tools you need to put your money to work on your own terms.

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