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MeDirect partners ŻfinMalta for a new season

MeDirect Bank is once again supporting ŻfinMalta, the National Dance Company, during its 2024-25 season. MeDirect’s support, part of its longstanding commitment to the arts in Malta, will help ŻfinMalta in the production of several performances, its numerous community and educational outreach efforts. and participation in international events.

Under the direction of a new artistic director, Matthew William Robinson, this season’s highlights include international touring with the work Utopia, choreography by Emanuel Gat and the December return of ŻfinMade, a biennial programme that invites six choreographers from Malta to create a series of solos and duets with the ŻfinMalta dancers. ŻfinDays 2025 features new works by outstanding choreographers from across Europe – Kor’sia, Liliana Barros, and Simon Riccardi-Zani. In April there will be a week-long celebration of ZfinMalta’s 10th anniversary, culminating in a raucous new work by the British choreographers Thick & Tight, and May brings Mortal Heroes, a new creation by Sita Ostheimer, premiering at Teatru Manoel.

Alison White, Chairperson of the National Agency for the Performing Arts (NAPA), which is responsible for administering ŻfinMalta, said, “The support of corporate sponsors like MeDirect is vital for the ongoing growth and development of the performing arts in Malta. Thanks to this support, ŻfinMalta continues to create exciting and diverse programmes that not only entertain audiences in Malta and internationally, but also educate adults and children alike.”

Noelene Mangion, Senior Manager – Private Clients at MeDirect, said, “MeDirect has supported ŻfinMalta for several years, helping Malta’s national dance company to grow and strengthen. The current programme, leading up to the 10th anniversary, is packed with interesting productions which anyone who has an interest in the performing arts should follow.”

More information on ŻfinMalta, including the full 2024-25 downloadable programme is available at https://www.zfinmalta.org/. Tickets for ŻfinMade, taking place at Spazju Kreattiv Theatre from 5 to 8 December are available from https://kreattivita.org/en/event/zfinmade-2024/2024-12-05/.


MeDirect jissieħeb ma’ ŻfinMalta għal staġun ġdid 

Il-Bank MeDirect qed jerġa’ jappoġġja lil ŻfinMalta, il-Kumpanija Nazzjonali taż-Żfin, matul l-istaġun 2024-25. L-appoġġ ta’ MeDirect, parti mill-impenn tiegħu lejn l-arti f’Malta, se jgħin lil ŻfinMalta fil-produzzjoni ta’ diversi spettakli, fl-isforzi edukattivi u komunitarji tagħha, kif ukoll fil-ukoll il-parteċipazzjoni f’avvenimenti internazzjonali.

Taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ direttur artistiku l-ġdid, Matthew William Robinson il-qofol ta’ dan l-istaġun jinkludi tour internazzjonali bix-xogħol Utopia, koreografija ta’ Emanuel Gat, u r-ritorn f’Diċembru ta’ ŻfinMade, programm biennali li jistieden sitt koreografi Maltin biex joħolqu sensiela ta’ solos u duetti maż-żeffiena ta’ ŻfinMalta. ŻfinDays 2025 se jinkludi xogħlijiet ġodda minn koreografi eċċezzjonali minn madwar l-Ewropa – Kor’sia, Liliana Barros, u Simon Riccardi-Zani. F’April se jkun hemm ċelebrazzjoni ta’ ġimgħa għall-10 anniversarju ta’ ZfinMalta, li se tilħaq il-qofol tagħha produzzjoni ġdida mimlija enerġija mill-koreografi Brittaniċi Thick & Tight. F’Mejju se jkun hemm Mortal Heroes, produzzjoni ġdida ta’ Sita Ostheimer li se jkollu l-premiere  fit-Teatru Manoel.

Alison White, Chairperson tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali għall-Arti Performattiva (NAPA), li tieħu ħsieb l-amministrazzjoni ta’ ŻfinMalta, qalet, “L-appoġġ ta’ sponsors korporattivi bħal MeDirect huwa essenzjali għat-tkabbir u l-iżvilupp kontinwu tal-arti f’Malta. Bis-saħħa ta’ dan l-appoġġ, ŻfinMalta tkompli toħloq programmi eċċitanti li mhux biss jiddevertu udjenzi f’Malta u internazzjonalment, iżda wkoll jedukaw lill-adulti u lit-tfal bl-istess mod.”

Noelene Mangion, Senior Manager – Private Clients f’MeDirect, qalet, “MeDirect ilu jappoġġja lil ŻfinMalta għal diversi snin, u għen lill-kumpanija nazzjonali taż-żfin ta’ Malta tikber u tissaħħaħ. Il-programm attwali, li jwassal għall-10 anniversarju, huwa mimli produzzjonijiet interessanti li kull min għandu interess fl-arti performattiva għandu jsegwi.”

Aktar informazzjoni dwar ŻfinMalta, inkluż il-programm sħiħ 2024-25 li jista’ jitniżżel minn https://www.zfinmalta.org/. Tista tikseb il-biljetti għal ŻfinMade, li se jsir fit-Teatru Spazju Kreattiv mill-5 sat-8 ta’ Diċembru minn fuq https://kreattivita.org/en/event/zfinmade-2024/2024-12-05/.

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