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Social Impact Awards 2017

MeDirect partners with the Social Impact Awards

MeDirect congratulates all the participants and winners of the 2017 Social Impact Awards, which were held on Thursday 16th November 2017. Of the eight worthy projects presented on the night, five projects were awarded funding to get their schemes off the ground. The judging panel, which included our very own Lorraine Bonello Ghio, Group Head of HR and Administration, awarded first place and €40,000 to OOPS, a student project at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School which aims to provide free mental health services to students. Friendship Cards, a project aimed at improving children’s emotional literacy and conflict resolution skills, won the €35,000 second place prize, whilst Hospice Malta and Malta Youth Athletes Network jointly claimed third prize and €20,000 each. The Audience Participation Award and the ZAAR Crowdfunding Malta Award were awarded to the Migrant Women Association Malta for their food truck project, which will lead to the employment and financial independence of around 40 migrant women. The Audience Participation Award prize and CORE award of €8,300 was matched by the committee, leading to a total prize of €16,600. MeDirect is proud to have been a headline sponsor for this event, and wishes all participants every success in their efforts.

MeDirect tappoġġja l-iSocial Impact Awards

MeDirect jifraħ lill-parteċipanti kollha u lir-rebbieħa tas-“Social Impact Awards 2017” li ttellgħu nhar il-Ħamis 16 ta’ Novembru. Mit-tmien proġetti li tressqu għal dan il-premju, il-ġurija, li kienet tinkludi l-parteċipazzjoni ta’ Lorraine Bonello Ghio, Group Head of HR and Administration, għażlet erba’ rebbieħa filwaqt li l-udjenza preżenti vvutat għar-rebbieħ tal-“Audience Participation Award.” L-ewwel post li kien abbinat ma’ premju ta €40,000 intrebaħ minn OOPS, organizazzjoni ta’ studenti mill-iskola Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary li ser jibdew joffru servizzi ta’ saħħa mentali b’xejn lil studenti fl-iskola. Il-proġett “Friendship Cards” li huwa maħsub biex jgħallem lit-tfal dwar l-emozzjonijiet u kif isolvu kunflitti bejniethom, rebaħ it-tieni premju ta’ €35,000 filwaqt li Hospice Malta u l-“Youth Network Foundation” gew fit-tielet post u rċivew €20,000 kull wieħed. Il-“Migrant Women Foundation” kienu r-rebbieħa tal-premji “Audience Participation Award” u “CORE Award”, li ssarrfu f’total ta’ €16,600 li jikkonsisti minn €8,300 li nġabru dakinhar u €8,300 li offra l-kumitat. MeDirect huwa kburi li kien wieħed mill-isponsors ewlinin għal dan l-avveniment u jawgura kull suċċess lil parteċipanti kollha.

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