A Model Portfolio is a basket of mutual funds. By investing in a Model Portfolio, you spread your investment over a selection of funds, which helps to mitigate the overall risk of your portfolio. This means that you are able to invest your money efficiently and diversify your portfolio at one go.
Documents and Faqs in Pages: Model Portfolio FAQs
What are the criteria for the selection of funds?
The funds are selected based on the ratings given by Morningstar, an independent market leader in investment research. Morningstar’s professional financial analysts determine fund ratings based on past performance, as well as future market projections. Morningstar’s fund evaluation is based on five pillars, which are management team, fund house, investment process, yields and costs. This enables Morningstar to weigh the fund’s potential for outperforming similar funds.
How can I invest in a Model Portfolio?
You can start investing in a Model Portfolio by visiting one of our investment centres in Malta or Gozo. If you would like to know more about Model Portfolios, you can call us on (+356) 2557 4400 or send us an email at info@medirect.com.mt