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MeDirect Bank introduces a new investment platform with real-time pricing

MeDirect Bank Malta has upgraded its eBanking investment platform providing users a more intuitive design and easy access to over 4,000 securities. The platform offers customers the opportunity to choose their preferred investment from a huge selection of equities listed on 17 international stock exchanges, several ETFs and Mutual Funds managed by international and leading fund houses, together with a selection of local and international bonds.

The upgrade includes also the introduction of real-time pricing on equities and ETFs. This ensures that customers, using MeDirect for their trading, can benefit from the latest information and prices making it easier to take advantage of any trading opportunities.

Moreover, the new user interface features improved search facilities, including guided searches, as well as different options of how the information can be viewed on the platform through enhancements made in the dashboard functionality and other screens.

In addition to these enhancements, MeDirect customers can continue to benefit from competitive tariffs when trading online that have now been reviewed to ensure that the fees are simplified and transparent.

Pawel Malukiewicz, Group Head – Channels and Customer Experience at MeDirect Bank Malta stated: “This improved investment platform is a result of the feedback received by the Bank’s clients and employees, who continue to push the brand to continuously develop our products and services. We thank all those involved for their dedication and hard work, truly placing MeDirect as Malta’s First Digital Bank.”

Adding to this, Chris Portelli, Chief Technology Officer for the banking group, said: “We are constantly evolving our technology stack, working on various exciting projects and are also delighted to announce that in the next few weeks we will also be introducing investment functionalities to our mobile application.”

MeDirect Bank continues to work on the further development of its digital channels to offer its clients more innovation. Recently, this work has been recognised as the bank won the “Best use of Technology in Business Transformation” category at the 2021 eBusiness Awards organised by Tech.MT. The accolade confirmed MeDirect’s status as Malta’s first Digital Bank.

To celebrate this important milestone, MeDirect has decided to launch a promotion whereby all new customers who join the Bank and invest a minimum of Eur5,000 will receive a cashback of Eur100. This offer is available between the 1st of December 2021 and the 31st of January 2022. Further information, including the terms and conditions, can be found here: https://promo.medirect.com.mt/receive-100-cash-back.

MeDirect, is also organising a giveaway, giving all its customers, who trade and invest with them, the opportunity to win exclusive prizes. Over the same time period, anyone who buys any security through the MeDirect platform with a minimum investment amount of Eur100, will be in with a chance of winning an iPhone 13 Pro Max (that will be drawn monthly) and a voucher of Eur250 from The Point Shopping Mall, which will be drawn on a weekly basis. Further information, including the terms and conditions, can be found here: https://promo.medirect.com.mt/trade-and-win.

Promotional offers mentioned are for a limited time only and terms & conditions apply.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).


Il-Bank MeDirect jintroduċi pjattaforma għall-investimenti b’real-time pricing

Il-Bank MeDirect għadu kif introduċa aġġornament tal-pjattaforma għall-investimenti fuq l-eBanking tiegħu, permezz ta’ disinn ġdid intuwittiv. Din il-pjattaforma tagħti aċċess faċli għal aktar minn 4,000 investiment. Il-klijenti għandhom l-opportunità li jagħżlu l-investiment preferut tagħhom minn firxa wiesgħa ta’ ishma fuq 17-il stock exchange internazzjonali, diversi ETFs u Mutual Funds, immaniġġjati minn fund houses ewlenin u internazzjonali, flimkien ma’ għażla ta’ bonds lokali u oħrajn internazzjonali.

Il-pjattaforma issa tinkludi l-introduzzjoni ta’ real-time pricing fuq ishma u ETFs. Dan jiżgura li l-klijenti li jużaw lill-MeDirect għall-investimenti tagħhom, jistgħu jibbenefikaw mill-aħħar informazzjoni u prezzijiet.

L-inferface il-ġdid joffri diversi soluzzjonijiet fosthom guided searches kif ukoll għażliet differenti kif wieħed jista’ jara l-informazzjoni fuq din il-pjattaforma. Flimkien ma’ dan it-titjib, il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect jistgħu jkomplu jibbenefikaw minn tariffi kompetittivi meta jinvestu online. Dan hekk kif dawn it-tariffi ġew riveduti biex jiżguraw li l-ħlasijiet huma simplifikati u trasparenti.

Pawel Malukiewicz, Group Head – Channels and Customer Experience ta’ MeDirect Bank Malta qal: “Dan it-tibdil fil-pjattaforma huwa riżultat tar-rispons u kummenti li rċivejna mill-klijenti u l-impjegati tal-Bank. Bis-saħħa t’hekk aħna nistgħu nkomplu ntejbu l-prodott u s-servizz tagħna. Nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha involuti għad-dedikazzjoni u x-xogħol siewi tagħhom li wasslu biex MeDirect ikun l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta.”

Chris Portelli, Chief Technology Officer tal-Bank żied: “Qegħdin kontinwament nevolvu t-teknoloġija tagħna u qed inkomplu naħdmu fuq diversi proġetti. Bi pjaċir inħabbru li fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se nkunu qed inniedu l-faċilità li tinvesti anke mill-mobile app.”

Il-Bank MeDirect ikompli jaħdem fuq iktar żviluppi fil-qasam diġitali biex joffri lill-klijenti tiegħu l-aħħar u l-aħjar innovazzjonijiet. Riċentament, dan ix-xogħol kien rikonoxxut hekk kif il-Bank rebaħ l-unur “Best Use of Technology in Business Transformation” fl-eBusiness Awards tal-2021 imtella’ minn Tech.MT, li kkonferma l-istatus ta’ MeDirect bħala l-ewwel Bank Diġitali f’Malta.

Biex jiċċelebra dan it-tragward importanti, MeDirect nieda promozzjoni fejn il-klijenti ġodda kollha li jingħaqdu mal-Bank u jinvestu minimu ta’ Eur5,000 se jirċievu Eur100 lura. Din l-offerta hi valida mill-1 ta’ Diċembru 2021 sal-31 ta’ Jannar 2022. Għal iktar informazzjoni, u għat-termini u kundizzjonijiet, tista’ tidħol hawnhekk: https://promo.medirect.com.mt/receive-100-cash-back.

Matul l-istess żmien, dawk kollha li jinvestu fuq il-pjattaforma ta’ MeDirect b’iktar minn Eur100 se jidħlu fiċ-ċans li jirbħu iPhone 13 Pro Max (li se jittella’ kull xahar) u vouchers ta’ Eur250 minn The Point Shopping Mall, li jittellgħu kull ġimgħa. Għal iktar informazzjoni u t-termini u kundizzjonijiet, tistgħu tidħlu hawn: https://promo.medirect.com.mt/trade-and-win.

Biex taqra iktar dwar MeDirect, biex issir klijent, jew biex tidħol tara l-kontijiet tiegħek tista’ tidħol fuq https://www.medirect.com.mt.

L-offerti promozzjonali msemmija huma għal żmien limitat u termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni C34125, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar il-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370).

Join MeDirect today to access the tools you need to put your money to work on your own terms.

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