medirectalk is a series of seminars organised by MeDirect featuring several financial experts and asset managers sharing their views on market and investment opportunities. Follow our Facebook page and LinkedIn page for more details on our next medirectalk.
New Event – 30/11/2023 18:00
A high conviction approach in an uncertain world
Stephen Yiu -

Time: 18:00 CET
Venue: Webinar
18:00 Welcome speech
18:05 Navigating macro uncertainties and identifying structural growth companies
18:15 Emerging themes and selective opportunities in Technology, Generative AI, Energy and Reshoring
18:35 Blue Whale’s market outlook
18:45 Question and answer session

Stephen Yiu is the Chief Investment Officer at Blue Whale Capital and Lead Manager of the Blue Whale Growth Fund. Stephen co-founded Blue Whale Capital with Peter Hargreaves, co-founder of Hargreaves Lansdown, in 2016. He started his career at Hargreaves Lansdown, before working with Tim Steer as a co-manager at New Star Asset Management (now Janus Henderson) and Artemis Investment Management. Most recently, Stephen worked under Martin Taylor and Nick Barnes at Nevsky Capital, a global long-short equity hedge fund.
A high conviction approach in an uncertain world
Join our upcoming webinar to gain insights and tips on how to find potential investment opportunities in technology, healthcare and financial sectors.
Registration for the webinar will be completed through GoToWebinar. You will be required to input your name, surname and email address.
The information given during this seminar is being provided by Blue Whale Investment Funds ICAV and is for general information purposes only and is neither intended to provide legal or other professional advice nor does it commit MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc to any obligation whatsoever.
The information available during the seminar is not intended to be a suggestion, recommendation or solicitation to buy, hold or sell, any securities and is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. The financial instruments discussed may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own informed decisions and seek their own advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments or implementing strategies discussed herein.
If you invest in the product being discussed, you may lose some or all of the money you invest. The value of your investment may go down as well as up. A commission or sales fee may be charged at the time of the initial purchase for an investment. Any income you get from this investment may go down as well as up. This product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rate movements thereby affecting your investment return therefrom. The performance figures quoted refer to the past and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance or a reliable guide to future performance. Any decision to invest in a mutual fund should always be based upon the details contained in the Prospectus and Key Information Document (KID), which may be obtained from MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc.
Past Events:
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Equity Fund
During this edition of medirectalk, Terry Smith from Fundsmith Equity Fund gave an update on the performance of the fund, together with his views on the financial world and the current trends.
Stephen Yiu - Blue Whale Capital & Blue Whale Growth Fund
During this edition of medirectalk titled ‘A High Conviction Approach in an Uncertain World’, Stephen Yiu, delved into the strategies his team employs to navigate macro uncertainties and identify structural growth companies. The discussion also explored emerging themes and selective opportunities in Technology, Generative AI, Energy, and Reshoring.
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Equity Fund
During this edition of medirectalk, Terry Smith from Fundsmith Equity Fund gave an update on the performance of the fund, together with his views on the financial world and the current trends.
Sector Spotlight - Technology, Health Care and Financials
During this edition of medirectalk, AJ Ziegler, Vice President and leading Product Strategist within the Active Equities Group at BlackRock, explored the current market landscape and areas of potential opportunities across the Technology, Health Care and Financial Services sectors.
The high yield shield will help you shelter from the economic storm
During this edition of medirectalk, Liontrust’s Co-Heads of Global Fixed Income, Phil Milburn and Donald Phillips and Sharmin Rahman, Investment Manager within Liontrust’s Global Fixed Income team discussed how the current market might be creating an opportunity for long-term investors within the quality end of the high yield bond market.
How to navigate a shifting landscape? The Morningstar View.
During this edition of medirectalk, Mike Coop, Chief Investment Officer at Morningstar, explored the current market environment, what to expect from 2023 and how to prepare for the future.
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Equity Fund
During this edition of medirectalk, Terry Smith from Fundsmith Equity Fund gave an update on the performance of the fund, together with his views on the financial world and the current trends.
Stephen Yiu - Blue Whale Capital & Blue Whale Growth Fund
During this talk titled ‘A Blank Sheet of Paper’ Stephen Yiu, Lead Manager of the Blue Whale Growth Fund gave an update on the Blue Whale Growth Fund and the investment markets in general. He also discussed some specific economic sectors and the reasons behind investing in equities within these segments.
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Equity Fund
During this edition of medirectalk, Terry Smith from Fundsmith Equity Fund gave an update on the performance of the fund, together with his views on the financial world and the current trends.
Geopolitical Tensions, Inflation and High Yield Bonds
Donald Philips and Phil Milburn, co-managers of the Liontrust’s High Yield Bond strategies, gave their insights on the implications of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and what the latest developments could indicate for global economies and markets. During the talk, we also discussed energy price rises, inflation outlook and central banks’ actions with a particular focus on the global high yield bond market.
Geopolitical Tensions and Natural Resources
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Equity Fund
Long Term Themes - Sectoral & Thematic Investing
Inflation - What should you do about it? The Morningstar View
Stephen Yiu - Blue Whale Capital & Blue Whale Growth Fund
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Equity Fund
During this edition of medirectalk, Terry Smith from Fundsmith Equity Fund gave an update on the performance of the fund, together with his views on the financial world and the current trends.
What Is Financial Well Being? The Morningstar View
Dr. Sarah Newcomb discusses how financial well-being is about feeling a sense of security, as though you have enough money to meet your needs.
Sustainable Investments: Investing for a Better Future
Mike Appleby gave his insight on Sustainable investments and why he believes they are the investments for a better future during our sixth medirectalk.
Stephen Yiu - Blue Whale Capital & Blue Whale Growth Fund
Stephen Yiu gave an insight on the management of Blue Whale funds and his views on the financial markets with a focus on technology stocks to those participating during our fifth medirectalk.
Investing in a portfolio of infrastructure companies can provide sustainable income and gives the world sustainable growth
Ajay Dayal from ClearBridge Investments, part of Franklin Templeton Investments gave his insight on how investing in a portfolio of infrastructure companies can give you sustainable income whilst giving the world sustainable growth!
Leo Niers & Elsa Goldberg - Franklin Templeton Investment
Leo Niers discusses the current shocks in the investments world due to COVID-19 with a historic perspective and Elsa Goldberg gives a Global Macro overview of the current Economic, Political and Financial Market conditions.
David Roberts & Donald Phillips - Liontrust Fund Partners LLP
David Roberts and Donald Philips of Liontrust are giving an overview of the current bond markets with a focus on the high yield markets and the Liontrust High Yield Fund’s performance to those attending medirectalk.
Terry Smith - Fundsmith LLP
Terry Smith gave an insight on the management of Fundsmith equity funds and his views on the financial world and the current trends to those attending the first medirectalk.
The speakers themselves, personally or on behalf of the institutions they are representing, are not responsible for the opinions they express during the discussions.
The information given during these talks is for general information purposes only and is neither intended to provide legal or other professional advice nor does it commit MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc to any obligation whatsoever. The information given during the talks is not intended to be a suggestion, recommendation or solicitation to buy, hold or sell, any securities and is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. The financial instruments discussed may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own informed decisions and seek their own advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments or implementing strategies discussed herein.