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Medbank supports the Ladybird Foundation May 2013

Dreams make life better for children with life-threatening medical conditions. This simple but powerful conviction is what inspired the founding of The Ladybird Foundation.

The Ladybird Foundation has been making wishes come true for terminally, critically or seriously ill children based in Malta for a few years now. With funds collected throughout a series of initiatives, events and donations, terminally ill children and their families are given the opportunity to see a dream materialize while also giving the families the opportunity to spend quality time with each other. In its on-going endeavours of support and as one of the Foundation’s main benefactors, Mediterranean Bank will be giving another generous donation this December. For the second consecutive year Mediterranean Bank is launching a special Christmas campaign whereby the bank will make a substantial contribution to The Ladybird Foundation for business generated during December.

Mr Watson explained that this money was collected through a special Christmas sponsorship scheme whereby Mediterranean Bank made a donation to The Ladybird Foundation for every account opened with the Bank during December 2012.

‘We really believe in the valid work that The Ladybird Foundation has been undertaking in fulfilling the dreams of children who really deserve a break and we are proud to continue building this partnership with them’ said Mark Watson, CEO, Mediterranean Bank.

Following a highly eventful year with regards to fundraising, The Labybird Foundation is currently focusing on streamlining the administrative side of the organisation. It is also creating further awareness of what the organisation is all about and is more importantly tending to the wishes of applicants with family vacations being currently scheduled for 2014.


Għal darb’oħra l-Mediterranean Bank joffri s-support lill-LadyBird Foundation



Il-ħolm igħin biex titjieb il-kwalità tal-ħajja tat-tfal b’kundizzjonijiet mediċi serji. Din il-konvinzjoni sempliċi iżda qawwija hi l-ispirazzjoni wara l-Ladybird Foundation.

Il-Ladybird Foundation ilha għal numru ta’ snin tgħin biex il-ħolm issir realtà għal tfal f’Malta li għandhom mard serju u terminali. Bil-flus miġbura waqt sensila ta’ inizzjattivi, attivitajiet u donazzjonijiet, dawn it-tfal u l-familji tagħhom jingħataw l-opportunità jaraw il-ħolma tagħhom issir realtà filwaqt li l-familji għandhom opportunità jqattgħu ftit ħin flimkien.

Fl-isforzi kontinwi tagħhom bħala l-benefatturi ewlenin tal-Fondazzjoni, f’Diċembru, Mediterranean Bank se jerġa jagħtihom donazzjoni ġeneruża. Din hi t-tieni sena konsekuttiva li Mediterranean Bank qed iniedi kampanja speċjali tal-Milied fejn il-bank se jagħmel kontribuzzjoni sostanzjali lil Ladybird Foundation min-negozju ġġenerat f’Diċembru.

‘Aħna verament nemmnu fix-xogħol validu li l-Ladybird Foundation qed tagħmel biex jitwettaq il-ħolm ta’ dan it-tfal li tassew għandhom bżonn ta’ ftit serħan u aħna kburin li qed inkomplu mibnu fuq din is-sħubija magħhom’ qal Mark Watson, CEO, Mediterranean Bank.

Wara sena ta’ attivitajiet b’risq il-ġbir ta’ fondi, il-Labybird Foundation bħalissa qed tiffoka fuq titjieb fil-qasam amministrattiv tal-organizzazzjoni. Barra minn hekk qed tkompli toħloq għarfien ta’ dak li tassew tirrapreżenta l-organizzazzjoni, u speċjalment qed tieħu ħsieb x-xewqat għal btajjel skedati għall-2014, tal-applikanti u l-familji tagħhom.


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