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MeDirect Bank launches new mobile app with trading capabilities

MeDirect Bank Malta has launched trading services through its mobile app. This new functionality will now allow users to invest in real-time whilst on the move from anywhere. The MeDirect mobile app will enable clients to have an all-in-one banking solution which gives clients full control of their finances from one single platform, allowing them to monitor and manage their day-to-day finances, savings and investments.

With the addition of mobile trading, MeDirect Malta is now offering a complete and comprehensive banking and investment platform. Customers can choose their preferred investment from a huge selection of over 4,000 securities, including equities listed on 17 international stock exchanges, several ETFs and Mutual Funds managed by international and leading fund houses, together with a selection of local and international bonds.

Similarly to the recently upgraded desktop eBanking platform, MeDirect’s mobile trading facility provides an easy and intuitive user experience thanks to an interface which was designed with the customers’ needs in mind. All of this with real-time pricing on equities and ETFs which is available for all customers without any additional costs.

The app allows MeDirect customers to trade with trust and confidence and is backed by MeDirect’s Wealth Management expertise and WealthTech professionals. MeDirect has continued to develop the app in-house and ensures the highest level of security for its users through various biometric technologies such as Touch ID or Face ID.

MeDirect customers can continue to benefit from competitive, simple and transparent tariffs when trading both via the mobile app or the online platform.

Chris Portelli, Chief Technology Officer for the banking group, said: “MeDirect strives to offer reliable, state of the art and easy-to-use digital banking solutions, so that our customers can have personalised 24/7 services from anywhere in the world. This wouldn’t be possible without continuous technological investments and technical talent. This is the fundamental pillar of what places MeDirect as Malta’s First Digital Bank.”

Meanwhile, existing and new MeDirect Bank customers can win the latest iPhone 13 Pro Max when trading using the mobile app. Anyone who buys any security through the MeDirect platform or app with a minimum investment amount of Eur100, will be in with a chance of winning an iPhone 13 Pro Max or a voucher of Eur250 from The Point Shopping Mall. Terms and conditions apply for this promotion that will end on the 28th of February 2022. Further information, including the terms and conditions, can be found here.

The app is available on both Android and IOS smartphones and can be downloaded for free on Google Play and the App Store. The trading facility on the mobile app is being launched in Malta. Eventually, it will be launched in MeDirect Belgium.

The app is available to all existing and new MeDirect Malta clients. If one is already a client of the bank, all that is required is to access the online banking platform and link accounts to the app. If one is not a client of MeDirect, they can be guided online on how to open an account with the bank and be able to make use of the mobile app – by clicking here.

For more information on the MeDirect mobile app, visit the user guide here.


Promotional offers mentioned are for a limited time only and terms & conditions apply.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).


Il-Bank MeDirect iniedi mobile app ġdida b’faċilitajiet ta’ investiment


Il-Bank MeDirect Malta għadu kif nieda l-faċilità li tinvesti mill-mobile app. Permezz ta’ din il-funzjoni ġdida wieħed jista’ jinvesti xħin irid minn fejn irid. Din l-app se tagħti aċċess lill-klijenti tal-Bank il-kontroll kollu minn post wieħed. Bis-saħħa ta’ din l-app wieħed jista’ jieħu ħsieb il-finanzi, it-tfaddil u l-investimenti kollha minn fuq pjattaforma waħda.

Bl-introduzzjoni tal-investimenti fuq il-mobile app, MeDirect Malta issa qed joffri pjattaforma bankarja kompleta u komprensiva. Il-klijenti issa jistgħu jagħżlu minn firxa wiesgħa ta’ ’l fuq minn 4,000 investiment li jinkludu ishma fi 17-il stock exchange internazzjonali, diversi ETFs u mutual funds immaniġġjati minn fund houses ewlenin u internazzjonali, flimkien ma’ għażla ta’ bonds lokali u oħrajn internazzjonali.

Il-pjattaforma ta’ investimenti ta’ MeDirect toffri esperjenza faċli u intwittiva, grazzi għal interface li kien iddisinjat skont il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijent. Din l-esperjenza hija disponibbli għall-klijent kemm fuq l-app u anke fuq il-pjattaforma online.

L-app tħalli lill-klijenti ta’ MeDirect jinvestu b’kunfidenza u affidabbilità, waqt li jiġu appoġġjati minn esperti tal-Wealth Management u professjonisti tal-WealthTech ta’ MeDirect. Il-Bank kompla jiżviluppa l-app in-house biex jiżgura l-ogħla livell ta’ sigurtà għall-klijenti tiegħu grazzi għal tekonoloġiji biometriċi bħal m’huma t-Touch ID jew il-Face ID.

Il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect jistgħu jkomplu jibbenefikaw minn tariffi kompetittivi, sempliċi u trasparenti meta jinvestu kemm fuq l-app tal-mobile u anke fuq il-pjattaforma online. Investimenti fuq ishma u ETFs li huma disponibbli fuq il-pjattaforma juru real-time pricing għall-klijenti kollha, u dan mingħajr ebda ħlasijiet addizzjonali.

Chris Portelli, Chief Technology Officer tal-grupp bankarju qal: “MeDirect jaħdem biex joffri soluzzjonijiet bankarji diġitali affidabbli u faċli, biex il-klijenti jista’ jkollhom servizzi personalizzati l-ħin kollu minn madwar id-dinja kollha. Dan ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr investimenti kontinwi fit-teknoloġija u l-aħjar impjegati fis-settur. Dawn huma l-pilastri ewlenin li jqiegħdu lil MeDirect bħala l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta.”

Sadanittant, klijenti eżistenti u dawk ġodda ta’ MeDirect Bank jistgħu jirbħu iPhone 13 Pro Max meta jinvestu fuq il-mobile app. Dawk li jinvestu mill-app jew mill-pjattaforma ta’ MeDirect b’iktar minn Eur100, jidħlu fiċ-ċans li jirbħu iPhone 13 Pro Max jew vawċers ta’ Eur250 minn The Point Shopping Mall. Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw għal din il-promozzjoni u hija valida sat-28 ta’ Frar 2022. Għal iktar informazzjoni, u għat-termini u kundizzjonijiet wieħed jista’ jżur hawn.

L-app hija disponibbli fuq Android u iOS smartphones u tista’ titniżżel b’xejn minn Google Play jew mill-App Store. Il-funzjonalità ta’ investimenti qed tiġi mnedija f’Malta u eventwalment, tiġi mnedija f’MeDirect fil-Belġju.

L-app hija disponibbli għall-klijenti eżistenti u ġodda ta’ MeDirect Malta. Jekk wieħed huwa diġà klijent tal-Bank, kulma jrid jagħmel huwa li jaċċessa l-pjattaforma bankarja online u jgħaqqad il-kontijiet tiegħu mal-app. Jekk wieħed għadu mhuwiex klijent ta’ MeDirect, jista’ jiftaħ il-kont mal-bank online billi jagħfas hawn.

Għal aktar informazzjoni fuq il-MeDirect mobile app, żur il-user guide hawn.

L-offerti promozzjonali msemmija huma għal żmien limitat u termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni C34125, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar il-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370).

Join MeDirect today to access the tools you need to put your money to work on your own terms.

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