Ask the MeDirect Advisor
Ask the MeDirect advisor is an educational campaign tackling various questions associated with investing and highlighting our advisory capabilities.
The information given in these videos is for general information purposes only and is neither intended to provide legal or other professional advice nor does it commit MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc to any obligation whatsoever.
Roderick Bugeja - What are the potential risks associated with investing?
Investing comes with its share of uncertainties, from market volatility to economic downturns. Our advisor Roderick Bugeja will help you understand these risks.
Roderick Bugeja - X'inhuma r-riskji assoċjati ma' l-investiment?
L-investimenti jġibu magħhom numru ta’ riskji, bħal inflazzjoni u tnaqqis fir-ritmu ekonomiku. I-advisor tagħna Roderick Bugeja jgħinek tifhem dawn ir-riskji.
Michael Salnitro - Where can I get reliable information to help me take investment decisions?
Our advisor Michael Salnitro reviews the options from reputable financial websites to expert blogs and trusted educational resources.
Michael Salnitro - Minn fejn nista nikseb informazzjoni affidabbli biex tgħinni nieħu deċiżjonijiet fuq l-investimenti?
L-advisor tagħna Michael Salnitro jirrevedi l-għażliet minn websites finanzjarji għal blogs minn esperti u riżorsi edukattivi li wieħed jista jafda.
Noelene Mangion - Why is diversification important?
Our advisor Noelene Mangion discusses how you can spread your investments across various asset classes, industries, sectors, and regions to mitigate the impact of market fluctuations.
Noelene Mangion - Għaliex id-diversifikazzjoni hija importanti?
L-advisor tagħna Noelene Mangion tiddiskuti kif tista’ tifrex l-investimenti tiegħek f’diversi klassijiet ta’ assi, industriji, setturi u reġjuni biex ittaffi l-impatt ta’ tibdil fis-suq.
Ray Calleja - When is a good time to start investing?
Our expert advisor Ray Calleja will lay out what you need to think about before embarking on your investment journey.
Ray Calleja - Meta huwa żmien tajjeb biex tibda tinvesti?
L-advisor espert tagħna Ray Calleja se jistabbilixxi dak li għandek bżonn taħseb dwaru qabel ma tibda tinvesti.