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Mediterranean Bank supports farmers association

Mediterranean Bank has always been committed to support the local community and, in line with this commitment, is proud to have supported the local farmers association (Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bdiewa) by sponsoring the Farmers General Meeting which was held on Friday 31st July at St Agatha’s College in Rabat.

Mediterranean Bank supports farmers association
The meeting, which was attended by over one thousand farmers, was convened to hand out certificates and licences and also to discuss a number of important issues to the farming community such as the future of the wholesale vegetable market and EU funding. During his intervention, the Hon. Roderick Galdes, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and Fisheries, stressed the importance of farmers cooperating amongst themselves. The benefits of such cooperation include enabling farmers to optimise the supply of produce and improve the agricultural industry through EU funding.

Ray Calleja, Head of Consumer Banking, also addressed the audience saying that Mediterranean Bank was making a token donation to the Association. He also mentioned the products and services that Mediterranean Bank, now the third largest bank in Malta, is able to offer the members in terms of savings, wealth management and foreign exchange. Mr Calleja reminded those present where the Bank’s branches are located and promised them excellent customer service which has become synonymous with Mediterranean Bank through its well trained and courteous staff.


Mediterranean Bank Tappoġġja lill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bdiewa

Mediterranean Bank plc minn dejjem kien impenjat li jappoġġja l-kommunità lokali u, f’konformità ma ‘ dan l-impenn, huwa kburi li għen lill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bdiewa billi sponsorja l-Laqgħa Ġenerali li saret il-Ġimgħa, 31 ta’ Lulju fil-Kulleġġ ta’ Sant Agata, r-Rabat.

Mediterranean Bank supports farmers association

Il-laqgħa, li għaliha attendew aktar minn elf bidwi, kienet imsejħa sabiex jingħataw ċertificakti u liċenzji u anke biex jiġu ttrattati numru ta’ kwistjonijiet importanti għall- komunità agrikola inkluża l-futur tal-Pitkalija u finanzjament mill-UE fost l-oħrajn. Waqt intervent li għamel is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Agrikultura u Sajd, l-Onorevoli Roderick Galdes, saħaq fuq l-importanza li l-bdiewa jikkoperaw bejniethom. Tenna jgħid li l-koperazzjoni tista’ tħalli ħafna frott għall-bdiewa fosthom li jkunu jistgħu jiżguraw li jkun hemm provvisti xierqa ta’ prodotti ta’ ħaxix u frott fis-suq kif ukoll li jkompli jtejbu l-qagħda ta’ l-industrija tagħhom permezz ta’ fondi mill-UE. Minn naħa tiegħu Ray Calleja, Head of Consumer Banking, qal li Mediterranean Bank għamlet donazzjoni lil-Assoċjazzjoni u semma l-prodotti u servizzi li l-Bank, li illum huwa t-tilet l-akbar bank f’Malta, jista’ joffri lill-membri ta’ l-Assoċjazzjoni f’terminu ta’ kontijiet ta’ tfaddil, investimenti u rati tal-kambju mill-aktar kompetittivi. Is-Sur Calleja fakkar lil dawk preżenti fejn jinstabu l-fergħat ta’ Mediterranean Bank u wiegħedhom livell għoli ta’ servizz, li llum huwa sinonimu ma’ Mediterranean Bank, permezz tal-impjegati professjonali u dedikati li għandu l-Bank.


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