News & Updates

In our News & Updates section, we’ll keep you informed about what is happening at MeDirect Group. Through this section we also publish weekly market updates provided by well-established fund houses and other interesting financial reads. Make sure to visit often to keep yourself up to date.

mutual funds

What are Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are rapidly becoming the investment vehicle of choice for personal investors.

Interest Rates Update

As the negative interest rate environment continues to prevail globally, Eurozone banks are under strain for having to keep their excess cash with the European Central Bank at negative rates.

Experience better Investing

The sooner you start managing your money, your way, using the best-in-class tools, the sooner you’ll see results. 

Sign up and open your account for free, within minutes.



We strive to ensure a streamlined account opening process, via a structured and clear set of requirements and personalised assistance during the initial communication stages. If you are interested in opening a corporate account with MeDirect, please complete an Account Opening Information Questionnaire and send it to

For a comprehensive list of documentation required to open a corporate account please contact us by email at or by phone on (+356) 2557 4444.