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Interest Rates Update

As the negative interest rate environment continues to prevail globally, Eurozone banks are under strain for having to keep their excess cash with the European Central Bank at negative rates. As a result, we have to revise our interest rates on savings and deposits products to face these macro-economic challenges.
We continue to remain competitive in the retail deposit market, with our revised rates matching and sometimes beating the ones offered by other local banks on similar products, across all currencies and maturities.
Our reactive and flexible interest rate policy allows us to keep our financial ratios strong and robust, thus ensuring the safety of your money. Furthermore, deposits are guaranteed up to €100,000 per depositor per credit institution under the Malta Financial Services Authority Depositor Compensation Scheme.
Click here to view our new interest rates for retail and here to view the new interest rates for corporate, applicable from today, 13th September 2019. Do not hesitate to contact us on +356 2557 4400 or info@medirect.com.mt, or by visiting one of our branches to discuss the impact of these changes on your savings and consider alternative ways to optimise the return on your savings.

Hekk kif l-ambjent ta’ rati tal-imgħax mill-aktar baxxi jkompli jirrenja madwar id-dinja, banek fiż-żona Ewro qegħdin taħt pressjoni biex iżommu l-flus kontanti tagħhom mal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew b’rati fin-negattiv. Minħabba dan l-andament fis-suq, se jkollna nbiddlu r-rati tal-imgħax fuq il-kontijiet tat-tfaddil biex niffaċċjaw dawn l-isfidi makroekonomiċi.

Minkejja dan, aħna ser nibqgħu kompetittivi f’dan is-settur ta’ depożiti għall-klijenti personali, bir-rati l-ġodda xorta jibqgħu attraenti. Dawn jikkumparaw tajjeb u saħansitra jaqbżu dak li joffru banek oħra lokali f’ kull tip ta’ kontijitet fl-Ewro u f’muniti oħra barranin.

L-istrateġija tagħna biex inżommu ir-rati tal-imgħax aġġornati u fl-istess ħin flessibli tippermettilna nkomplu nżommu lil Bank tagħna fuq sisien finanzjarji sodi, biex b’hekk niżguraw is-sigurtà tal-flus li inti għandek magħna. Apparti minn hekk, infakkruk li d-depożiti tiegħek huma ggarantiti sa €100,000 taħt l-Iskema ta’ Kumpens għad-Depożitanti, immexxija mill-Awtorità tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta ’Malta.

Tista’ tara l-lista sħiħa tar-rati tal-imgħax il-ġodda għal klijenti personali hawnekk, u għal kumpaniji u entitajiet ir-rati l-ġodda jisabu hawnekk. Dawn jiġu fis-seħħ illum, 13 ta’ Settembru 2019. Jekk teħtieġ xi għajnuna jew għandek xi mistoqsijiet, jekk jogħġbok ċemplilna fuq +356 2557 4400, jew ibgħatilna email fuq info@medirect.com.mt, jew żur waħda mill-fergħat tagħna. Tkellem magħna biex tiddiskuti x’soluzzjonijiet alternattivi nistgħu noffrulek biex ittejjeb id-dħul mill-flus li inti tfaddal.

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