MeDirect supports MSPCA refurbishment project

MeDirect Malta is supporting the MSPCA in its efforts to refurbish sections of its shelter to provide a new agility area which will be used to rehabilitate abandoned animals and support efforts for these animals to be adopted. The sponsorship was announced during Reloved, the MSPCA’s first sustainability event, which took place at the Maria Rosa Winery Estate.

Sara Strijbosch Ali, HR Business Partner and Branding Specialist at MeDirect Malta, said, “One of the things we pride ourselves on at MeDirect is being a responsible corporate citizen. We believe that it is our duty to give back to the community. The MSPCA is a vital organisation that provides essential services to animals in need, and we are proud to support their work. Every year colleagues come together to help sanctuaries or volunteer for activities and this year is no different. The MSPCA’s current refurbishment project will go a long way to providing the animals in its care better facilities. Additionally, by creating areas for animal welfare education and to facilitate adoption, this project will help more broadly to combat the abuse of animals.”

Reloved, an evening of dance, fashion, drama, and food, brought together people interested in the care and protection of animals in Malta. As the first event organised by MSPCA in several years, Reloved kicked off fundraising for its new refurbishment project. This project follows the completion of an extension to the MSPCA kennels which has allowed the organisation to increase its intake by 15 dogs per month.

More information is available at

The forgotten joys of compound interest

A high interest rate environment has different effects on people, depending on their circumstances. For savers, the return of higher rates after so many years has clearly been a welcome development. That said, there’s undoubtedly a whole generation which has only ever known low interest rates and therefore is largely unaware of how saving money can also play a role in growing wealth, not just covering specific expenses. In particular, the words ‘compound interest’ have largely been forgotten over the first quarter of the 21st Century. In this article we will take a closer look at what compound interest is and its forgotten joys.

To begin with, let’s explain what compound interest is. Essentially, it is the interest on savings which is calculated both on the initial sum deposited and the accumulated interest paid in previous periods. Essentially you are earning interest on top of the interest you have already earned.

Compounding, therefore, multiplies your money at a faster rate and the more often an account pays interest, the greater the compound interest will be. This ability to grow your money faster can have a positive impact on your finances, especially over the longer term. In fact, the earlier you start saving the more time your money has to compound. This has a dramatic impact on the final amount saved. Even small regular contributions can grow substantially over many years due to the compounding effect.

Another benefit of compound interest, especially when interest is earned at very regular intervals, is that it encourages consistency in savings. When you can see your money growing you are more likely to remain committed to saving for the long term as even small regular contributions start to add up. It encourages good financial habits and helps you in your journey to financial freedom.

A higher interest rate environment and the ability to compound earnings is also one of the tools you can use to counter the impact of inflation. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, something which compound interest can mitigate against by helping you to grow your money faster.

The MeMax Savings Account

If earning interest which is compounded monthly sounds like a good idea, then MeDirect has the answer for you. The MeMax Savings Account, in fact, offers a 2 per cent per annum interest rate paid and compounded monthly. You can deposit up to €2,000 into the account each month, up to a maximum balance of €50,000. What’s more is that is an instant access account which means you can withdraw money whenever you want. Click here to find out more or open a MeMax Savings Account.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371). The Bank is a participant in the Depositor Compensation Scheme established under the laws of Malta. The MeMax account is available in Euro and rate quoted is gross of tax, paid on a monthly basis and is compounded. Account holders can deposit up to €2,000 per month up to a maximum account balance of €50,000.


We strive to ensure a streamlined account opening process, via a structured and clear set of requirements and personalised assistance during the initial communication stages. If you are interested in opening a corporate account with MeDirect, please complete an Account Opening Information Questionnaire and send it to

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