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EPIC Global Equity Fund now accessible in Malta with MeDirect

Investors in Malta can now access the EPIC Global Equity Fund, which is managed by Maltese Fund Manager Malcolm Schembri and his colleague Tim Hall. This high-performing fund has consistently outperformed numerous established funds in the market. Recently, the fund celebrated its 5-year track record, finishing in the top 10 percentile of all global equity funds.

The EPIC Global Equity Fund presents an avenue for investors in Malta to diversify their portfolios effectively. The fund has demonstrated strong returns, averaging annual returns in excess of 13% over a 5-year period.

Managed by Malcolm Schembri and Tim Hall, the EPIC Global Equity Fund’s portfolio boasts a diverse array of holdings, ranging from industry titans like Microsoft and Nvidia to healthcare leaders such as Intuitive Surgical and Novo Nordisk. Additionally, the fund invests in lesser-known companies like Constellation Software, United Rentals, and Pool. This diversified strategy reflects the fund’s dedication to quality and growth prospects. Notably, both Malcolm and Tim have significantly invested their personal capital in the fund, underscoring their confidence in its strategy and performance.

The success of the EPIC Global Equity Fund is attributed to its rigorous research and active management. By targeting companies with robust earnings and high margins, the fund has constructed a portfolio that offers stability and significant growth prospects, consistently outperforming many established counterparts.

Expressing his enthusiasm about the fund’s availability in Malta, Malcolm Schembri stated, “As a Maltese, I am delighted that the EPIC Global Equity Fund is now accessible to investors in Malta through MeDirect. We believe that our fund’s performance speaks for itself, and we are committed to delivering continued success for our investors.”

Ingrid Micallef, Head of Wealth at MeDirect Malta, said, “Adding Malcolm and Tim’s EPIC Global Equity Fund to the hundreds of Funds and ETFs available through our app and online banking platform continues MeDirect’s mission to give customers the freedom to build their wealth with confidence.  As Malta’s first digital bank, we are committed to providing this opportunity both to those who are confident enough to manage their own portfolios as well as those who prefer to leave investing in the hand of our experts.”

For more information on the EPIC Global Equity Fund and how to invest, please visit www.medirect.com.mt or contact their customer service team  on customerservice@medirect.com.mt 

The performance figures quoted refer to the past and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance or a reliable guide to future performance. The annualised rate is an indication of the average growth of the investment over one year. If you invest in this product, you may lose some or all of the money you invest. The value of your investment may go down, as well as up. A commission or sales fee may be charged at the time of the initial purchase for an investment. Any decision to invest should always be based upon the details contained in the Prospectus and Key Information Document (KID), which may be obtained from the Distributor.

The financial instrument discussed in the document is intended for retail clients. However, it may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own informed decisions and seek their own advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments or implementing strategies discussed herein.

EPIC Global Equity Fund is a sub-fund of EPIC Funds p.l.c. which is an open-ended umbrella fund authorised in Ireland as a UCITS fund and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. EPIC Markets (UK) LLP, trading as EPIC Investment Partners, is a limited liability partnership incorporated and registered in England and Wales under partnership OC306260 with its registered office at Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN. EPIC Markets (UK) LLP is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

EIC Global Equity Fund is manufactured by EPIC Funds plc and distributed in Malta by MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, with its registered office at The Centre, Tigné Point, Sliema, TPO 0001, Malta is regulated by the MFSA and is licensed to undertake investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).

EPIC Global Equity Fund issa aċċessibbli f’Malta fuq il-pjattaforma ta’ MeDirect

L-investituri f’Malta issa jistgħu jinvestu fl-EPIC Global Equity Fund, li huwa mmexxi mill-Fund Manager Malti Malcolm Schembri u l-kollega tiegħu Tim Hall. Dan il-mutual fund bi prestazzjoni għolja qabeż b’mod konsistenti bosta funds stabbiliti fis-suq. Riċentement, il-fund iċċelebra r-rekord tiegħu li għal 5 snin konsegutivi spiċċa fl-aqwa 10 fil-mija tal-funds li jinvestu f’ishma globali.

L-EPIC Global Equity Fund huwa investiment disponibbli għall-investituri f’Malta biex jiddiversifikaw il-portafoll tagħhom b’mod effettiv. Fl-aħħar 5 snin, il-fund renda medja ta’ aktar minn 13% fis-sena.

Immexxi minn Malcolm Schembri u Tim Hall, il-portafoll tal-EPIC Global Equity Fund jinkludi firxa ta’ investimenti, li jvarjaw minn kumpaniji kbar u rinomati bħal Microsoft u Nvidia, għal oħrajn li huma rinomati fis-settur tal-healthcare bħal Intuitive Surgical u Novo Nordisk. Barra minn hekk, il-fund jinvesti f’kumpaniji inqas magħrufa bħal Constellation Software, United Rentals u Pool. Din l-istrateġija diversifikata tirrifletti d-dedikazzjoni tal-fund għall-kwalità u l-prospetti tat-tkabbir. Iktar minn hekk, kemm Malcolm kif ukoll Tim investew b’mod sinifikanti l-kapital personali tagħhom fil-fund li juri l-fiduċja tagħhom fl-istrateġija u l-prestazzjoni ta’ dan il-fund.

Is-suċċess tal-EPIC Global Equity Fund huwa attribwit għar-riċerka rigoruża u l-immanigjar attiv tiegħu. Billi jinvesti f’kumpaniji bi qligħ robust u marġini għoljin, il-fund ghandu portafoll li joffri stabbiltà u prospetti sinifikanti ta’ tkabbir, li b’mod konsistenti jaqbeż ħafna funds stabbiliti.

Waqt li esprima l-entużjażmu tiegħu dwar id-disponibbiltà tal-fund f’Malta, Malcolm Schembri stqarr, “Bħala Malti, ninsab kuntent li l-EPIC Global Equity Fund issa huwa aċċessibbli għall-investituri f’Malta permezz ta’ MeDirect. Nemmnu li l-prestazzjoni tal-fund tagħna titkellem waħedha, u aħna  impenjati li nwasslu suċċess kontinwu għall-investituri tagħna.”

Ingrid Micallef, Head of Wealth ta’ MeDirect Malta, qalet, “Iż-żieda tal-EPIC Global Equity Fund mal-mijiet ta’ Fondi u ETFs oħra li huma disponibbli permezz tal-mobajl app u l-pjattaforma bankarja onlajn tagħna tkompli l-missjoni ta’ MeDirect li jagħti lill-klijenti l-libertà li jibnu l-ġid tagħhom b’kunfidenza. Bħala l-ewwel bank diġitali Malti, aħna impenjati li nipprovdu din l-opportunità kemm lil dawk li huma kunfidenti biżżejjed biex jimmaniġġjaw il-portafolli tagħhom waħedhom, kif ukoll lil dawk li jippreferu jħallu l-investiment f’idejn l-esperti tagħna.”

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar l-EPIC Global Equity Fund u kif tinvesti, żur www.medirect.com.mt jew ikkuntattjana fuq customerservice@medirect.com.mt jew billi ccempel 2557 4400.

Iċ-ċifri tal-prestazzjoni kkwotati jirreferu għall-prestazzjoni tal-passat u mhumiex garanzija ta’ prestazzjoni futura jew gwida affidabbli għall-prestazzjoni futura. Ir-rata annwalizzata hija indikazzjoni tat-tkabbir medju tal-investiment b’mod anwali. Jekk tinvesti f’dan il-prodott, tista’ titlef ftit jew il-flus kollha li tinvesti. Il-valur tal-investiment jista’ jinżel, kif ukoll jiżdied. Tista’ tiġi ċċarġjat kummissjoni jew tariffa għax-xiri inizjali tal-investiment. Kwalunkwe deċiżjoni ta’ investiment għandha dejjem tkun ibbażata fuq id-dettalji li jinsabu fil-Prospett u fil-Key Information Document (KID), li jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Distributur.

L-istrument finanzjarju diskuss f’ dan id-dokument huwa maħsub għall-klijenti individwali. Madankollu, jista’ ma jkunx adattat għall-investituri kollha u l-investituri jridu jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet infurmati tagħhom u jfittxu parir dwar kemm ikun xieraq li jinvestu fi strumenti finanzjarji jew l-implimentazzjoni tal-istrateġiji diskussi hawnhekk.

EPIC Global Equity Fund huwa sub-fund ta’ EPIC Funds p.l.c. li huwa fund umbrella open-ended awtorizzat fl-Irlanda bħala fund UCITS u regolat mill-Bank Ċentrali tal-Irlanda. EPIC Markets (UK) LLP, li tinnegozja bħala EPIC Investment Partners, hija sħubija b’responsabbiltà limitata inkorporata u rreġistrata fl-Ingilterra u Wales b’numru ta’ registrazzjoni OC306260 bl-uffiċċju reġistrat f’Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Place, Londra EC1N 6SN. EPIC Markets (UK) LLP hija regolata mill-Awtorità tal-Kondotta Finanzjarja.

EIC Global Equity Fund huwa manifatturat minn EPIC Funds plc u distribwit f’Malta minn MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni tal-kumpanija C34125, bl-uffiċċju reġistrat tiegħu f’The Centre, Tigné Point, Sliema, TPO 0001, Malta huwa regolat mill-MFSA u liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi ta’ investiment f’termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi tal- Investiment (Kap. 370).

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