MeDirect Bank has inaugurated its newly-refurbished state-of-the-art head office in Tigné Point, Sliema, following a significant investment made over the past five months in its new office environment, in line with its new brand positioning.
The revamped offices reflect a modern, fun, fresh and functional design which complements MeDirect’s fast and agile pace. This coupled with the bank’s modern technologies, allow for a seamless experience for employees when working either from home or from the office. Apart from the office space, collaboration areas and meeting rooms, the revamped head office includes informal break-out areas, a fully-kitted kitchen area as well as an entertainment area featuring billiards, table soccer, darts, as well as a gaming console with big screen.
MeDirect’s Malta offices house 275 employees and also include a client investment centre, which was also recently refurbished. A desk booking system has been introduced for all, giving the facility for colleagues working in Belgium, UK, Netherlands and Turkey to book their desks when working from the Malta Head Office.
To mark this important milestone for MeDirect, an informal celebration took place which brought together members of staff, the bank’s management, a number of board directors as well as executives from the bank’s operations in other European countries.
Arnaud Denis, Chief Executive Officer of MeDirect Group, welcomed everyone and in his address thanked all those who were involved in this project, which was spearheaded by the Group’s Chief Administration Officer, Lorraine Bonello Ghio and her team. Mr Denis also expressed words of appreciation towards everyone who contributed within the bank, as well as, DP Designs and the suppliers that made the office revamp a reality.
“Today is an important day. Relocating two floors into one, with a completely different design and look and feel – all within five months – was an impressive challenge. We take our challenges very seriously and I am very happy with the outcome: a modern, fresh, cosy, comfortable and vibrant working environment and space,” Mr Denis said.
“Many of our staff have started returning to work at our offices over the past months and I am sure they will find this new space welcoming. The office will never replace home, but it will almost make you feel like home away from home,” he told his colleagues during the event.
Mike Bussey, Chairman of MeDirect Group said: “A big well done to Arnaud and his leadership team for this achievement – one of several that this team managed very well, alongside the significant challenges that these past two-and-a-half years brought with them.”
Lorraine Bonello Ghio emphasised the fact that all staff members are now located on one floor making it easier to communicate and collaborate: “The refurbishment of this office was intended also to move away from the stereotypical image of a bank environment and move towards the concept of a fintech player, whereby the financial and technology aspects of our work meet together within a cool, vibrant and professional environment.”
Speaking about the newly-revamped offices, Adrian Vella – Head of Investment Network, said that the fresh look of the offices portrays the bank’s image and brand. “We are a young and ambitious organisation, but innovative in the way we do things. These new offices reflect this very well,” he said.
Rosalie Sammut, Front-end Developer, said that the social aspect of working in an office is very important. “We work hard and play hard! We look forward to our break time as the new office design allows us to engage more with each other and spend some time playing a game or chill out on the sofas together. These things make a huge difference as you really get to recharge during one’s break,” she said.
Dr. Jan Camilleri, Legal Senior Manager said that the layout of the new offices is intended to be used for meeting spaces. “I like the fact that everything is on an open-floor and the layout is intended to increase collaboration between teams.”
This inauguration comes at a time when MeDirect bank is continuously expanding, placing its clients at the forefront and employees in the spotlight. The new office reflects the fresh outlook to its branding and encompasses the vibrant and professional environment in which the employees continue to innovate with future launches of services and products being round the corner.

Il-Bank MeDirect jinvesti f’uffiċċju modern, divertenti u ffukat fuq l-impjegati
Il-Bank MeDirect inawgura l-uffiċċju ewlieni tiegħu li għadu kif ġie rinovat f’Tigné Point, Tas-Sliema. Dan wara investiment sinifikanti li sar f’dawn l-aħħar ħames xhur fejn l-ufficini inghataw dhera aktar konformi mal-branding il-ġdida tiegħu.
L-uffiċċji l-ġodda jirriflettu disinn modern, divertenti u funzjonali li jikkumplimenta l-pass mgħaġġel u innovattiv ta’ MeDirect. It-teknoloġijia moderna tal-bank, tippermetti esperjenza bla xkiel għall-impjegati, sew meta jkunu qegħdin jaħdmu mid-dar, kif ukoll mill-uffiċċju. Minbarra l-ispazju għall-uffiċċji, hemm żoni ta’ kollaborazzjoni u bosta kmamar fejn jsiru il-laqgħat. L-infrastruttura moderna tinkludi wkoll żoni informali ta’ mistrieħ, kċina, kif ukoll żona ta’ divertiment li tinkludi biljards, table soccer, darts, u console tal-logħob b’ skrin kbir.
L-uffiċċju ta’ MeDirect f’Malta jimpjega 275 persuna u jinkludi ċentru ta’ investiment għall-klijenti, li wkoll ġie rinovat dan l-aħħar. Ġiet introdotta sistema ta’ desk booking għal kulħadd, li tagħti il-faċilità lill-kollegi li jaħdmu fil-Belġju, ir-Renju Unit, l-Olanda u t-Turkija biex jibbukkjaw l-iskrivaniji tagħhom meta jkunu se jaħdmu mill-Uffiċċju prinċipali ta’ Malta.
Biex jimmarka dan it-tragward importanti għal MeDirect, saret ċelebrazzjoni informali fejn l-impjegati, il-maniġment tal-bank, numru ta’ diretturi tal-bord kif ukoll dawk tal-eżekuttiv mill-operat tal-bank f’pajjiżi Ewropej oħra, iltaqaw ilkoll flimkien.
Arnaud Denis, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-grupp MeDirect, laqa’ lil kulħadd u fl-indirizz tiegħu rringrazzja lil dawk kollha li kienu involuti f’dan il-proġett, li kien immexxi mill-Kap Amministrattiv tal-Grupp, Lorraine Bonello Ghio u t-tim tagħha. Is-Sur Denis esprima wkoll kliem ta’ apprezzament lejn kull min ta kontribut fi ħdan il-bank, kif ukoll, lill-DP Designs u l-fornituri li għamlu l-uffiċċju l-ġodda realtà.
“Illum hija ġurnata importanti. Minn żewġ sulari morna għal sular wieħed, b’disinn u dehra kompletament differenti – kollox sar fi żmien ħames xhur – kienet sfida impressjonanti. Aħna nieħdu l-isfidi tagħna b’serjetà kbira u ninsab kuntent ħafna bir-riżultat: ambjent u spazju tax-xogħol modern, komdu u vibranti,” qal is-Sur Denis.
“Ħafna mill-istaff bdew jirritornaw għax-xogħol fl-uffiċċji tagħna matul l-aħħar xhur u jien ċert li se jsibu dan l-ispazju ġdid akkoljenti. L-uffiċċju qatt mhu se jissostitwixxi d-dar, iżda kważi se jġiegħlek tħossok qisek qiegħed id-dar barra mid-dar,” qal lill-kollegi tiegħu waqt l-avveniment.
Mike Bussey, Chairman tal-MeDirect Group qal: “Proset lil Arnaud u lit-tim tiegħu għal din il-biċċa xogħol – waħda minn diversi li dan it-tim irnexxielu jikseb, flimkien mal-isfidi sinifikanti li ġabu magħhom dawn l-aħħar sentejn u nofs.”
Lorraine Bonello Ghio enfasizzat il-fatt li l-membri kollha tal-istaff ta’ MeDirect issa jinsabu f’sular wieħed li jagħmilha aktar faċli biex jikkomunikaw u jikkollaboraw bejniethom: “Dan l-arranġament fl-uffiċċju kien maħsub ukoll biex nitbiegħdu mill-immaġni sterjotipa ta’ ambjent bankarju u nimxu lejn il-kunċett ta’ kumpanija fintech, fejn l-aspetti finanzjarji u teknoloġiċi tax-xogħol tagħna jiltaqgħu flimkien f’ambjent vibranti u professjonali.”
Meta tkellem dwar l-uffiċini li għadhom kif ġew miftuħa, Adrian Vella – Head of Investment Network, qal li d-dehra ġdida tal-uffiċċji turi l-immaġni u l-brand tal-bank. “Aħna organizzazzjoni żagħżugħa u ambizzjuża, iżda innovattiva fil-mod kif nagħmlu l-affarijiet. Dawn l-uffiċċji ġodda jirriflettu bil-bosta dan il-fatt”.
Rosalie Sammut, Front-end Developer, qalet li l-aspett soċjali f’uffiċċju huwa importanti ħafna. “Aħna naħdmu ħafna u ngawdu ħafna! Nistennew bil-ħerqa l-ħin tal-break tagħna peress li kif qiegħed imqassam l-uffiċċju l-ġdid jippermettilna li nintegraw aktar ma’ xulxin u nqattgħu ftit ħin nilagħbu logħba jew niltaqaw fuq is-sufani flimkien. Dawn l-affarijiet jagħmlu differenza kbira”.
Dr. Jan Camilleri, Legal Senior Manager qal li t-tqassim tal-uffiċini l-ġodda huwa maħsub biex jkun hemm spazji adekwati ghal-laqgħat. “Jogħġobni l-fatt li l-uffiċju huwa miftuħ u t-tqassim huwa maħsub biex iżid il-kollaborazzjoni bejn id-dipartimenti.”
Din l-inawgurazzjoni tiġi fi żmien meta l-bank MeDirect qed jespandi kontinwament, u jpoġġi lill-klijenti tiegħu fuq quddiem u jagħti l-impjegati l-attenzjoni xierqa. L-uffiċċju l-ġdid jirrifletti l-brand ġdida u jgħati l-ambjent vibranti u professjonali li fih l-impjegati jkomplu jinnovaw bi tnedijiet fil-futur ta’ servizzi u prodotti ġodda li daqt ser ikunu magħna.
MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).