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MeDirect Bank launches Referral Programme

MeDirect Bank Malta has launched a referral programme whereby existing customers can get Eur50 for every friend who signs up with the bank.  New referred customers benefitting from this offer will also get Eur50 in their new bank account.

As part of this initiative, MeDirect Malta clients who refer their family members or friends to the bank can receive up to a maximum of Eur500 for the first ten successful referrals using the unique referral code that is assigned to them.

Existing clients can get their own unique referral code by logging in via MeDirect’s internet banking. One can then share that referral code and, in turn, those friends interested in becoming a member of the MeDirect bank family would need to input this code during the simple and easy online onboarding process.

No deposited amount is required when opening a new account with MeDirect Bank Malta to benefit from this offer. There is no catch and no hidden charges. Once the application to become a customer is complete, both the customer who referred a friend as well as the new MeDirect Bank Malta customer will receive Eur50 each in their accounts.

“We believe that this incentive will help grow our family of customers who are enjoying digital banking from the comfort of their home through MeDirect’s online banking and mobile app. We believe we offer the best customer service in Malta when it comes to banking and investing and we are looking forward to welcoming new customers,” said Ingrid Micallef, Senior Manager – Products and Marketing at MeDirect Bank Malta.

In addition to these benefits, new customers can enjoy superior rates and will not incur into account or maintenance fees. Through MeDirect Bank Malta, one can save and invest money as well as take out a home loan. MeDirect Bank Malta offers also wealth management solutions.

For more information, as well as, the terms and conditions of this offer visit here, call 2557 4400 or send an email to customerservice@medirect.com.mt.


Terms & Conditions Apply. Offer valid for a limited time only.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).


Klijenti eżistenti ta’ MeDirect Bank Malta se jieħdu €50 għal kull persuna li tissieħeb mal-bank bis-saħħa tagħhom

MeDirect Bank Malta għadu kif niedha programm ta’ riferiment fejn klijenti eżistenti jieħdu €50 għal kull persuna li tissieħeb mal-bank bis-saħħa tagħhom. Klijenti ġodda li jiġu riferuti minn ħaddieħor se jieħdu €50 wkoll fil-kont bankarju tagħhom ta’ MeDirect.

Bħala parti minn din l-inizjattiva, il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect Malta li jirreferu lill-qraba jew ħbieb tagħhom mal-bank jistgħu jirċievu sa massimu ta’ €500 għall-ewwel 10 riferimenti kompluti li jkunu użaw il-kodiċi ta’ referenza li ngħatatilhom.

Klijenti eżistenti jistgħu jiksbu r-referral code tagħhom billi jidħlu fuq l-internet banking ta’ MeDirect. Wieħed jista’ jgħaddi dan ir-referral codelil ta’ madwaru u min hu interessat jista’ jissieħeb mal-bank billi jdaħħal dan waqt il-proċess tal-onboarding li huwa faċli ferm.

Wieħed m’hemmx bżonn jiddepożita xi ammont sabiex jiftaħ il-kont tiegħu u jibbenefika minn din l-offerta. M’hemm l-ebda tariffi jew ħlasijiet moħbija. Ladarba l-applikazzjoni biex tissieħeb mal-bank tkun kompluta, kemm il-klijent eżistenti u anke dak ġdid jingħataw €50 kull wieħed fil-kont tal-bank tagħhom.

“Nemmnu li din l-inizjattiva se tgħin biex tkabbar il-familja ta’ klijenti li qed jibbenefikaw mis-servizzi ta’ dan il-bank diġitali mill-kumdità ta’ darhom bis-saħħa tal-online banking u l-mobile app. Aħna nemmnu li noffru l-aqwa servizz lill-klijenti f’Malta fil-qasam bankarju u f’dak tas-servizzi fl-investimenti. Ninsabu ħerqana li nilqgħu klijenti ġodda magħna,” stqarret Ingrid Micallef, Senior Manager – Products & Marketing ma’ MeDirect Bank Malta.

Minbarra dawn il-benefiċċji, klijenti ġodda jistgħu jgawdu minn rati superjuri u mhux se jeħlu ħlasijiet żejda. Ma’ MeDirect Bank Malta wieħed jista’ jġemma, jinvesti u jieħu anke self fuq xiri ta’ dar.

Għal iktar informazzjoni, u għal termini u kundizzjonijiet dwar din l-offerta żur is-sit: https://promo.medirect.com.mt/refer-a-friend/, ċempel fuq 2557 4400 jew ibgħat email fuq customerservice@medirect.com.mt.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet japplikaw. Din l-offerta hija valida għal żmien limitat biss.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar Il-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370).


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