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MeDirect continues to support Teatru Astra through 2024/2025 season

MeDirect, Malta’s first digital bank, has renewed its support for the theatre programme of the Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella in Gozo for another year. The renewed partnership will support productions at Teatru Astra in Victoria throughout the 2024/2025 season. The donation was presented to Andrea Camilleri, Teatru Astra Director, by Frances Zammit, Senior Customer Support Officer at MeDirect’s Gozo investment centre.

MeDirect’s ongoing partnership with Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella reflects its commitment to nurturing Maltese artistic talent and supporting the local community. The bank continues to contribute to various cultural and charitable organisations, reinforcing its role as a key supporter of Maltese arts.

The upcoming season at Teatru Astra promises a vibrant programme, starting with the highly anticipated Christmas Panto in December 2024, followed by the musical ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ in March 2025, and culminating in the annual RockAstra concert in May 2025. MeDirect will be the main partner for these productions, ensuring that Gozo continues to host exceptional theatre and music.

Speaking at the presentation, Zammit said, “MeDirect is proud to renew its support for Teatru Astra, a cornerstone of Gozo’s cultural landscape. Our partnership with Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella allows us to play a pivotal role in bringing world-class performances to the island. We are looking forward to another dynamic season filled with outstanding productions.”

Camilleri expressed his gratitude, stating, “We are thrilled to have MeDirect continue as a key partner. With the ongoing support of our patrons, sponsors, and the community, we can keep our tradition of presenting high-quality theatre and music in Gozo alive, a legacy we have upheld for over 50 years.”

Teatru Astra, inaugurated in 1968, has grown into one of Gozo’s premier cultural venues, known for its diverse range of productions, including operas, musicals, and international performances. For more information, visit https://teatruastra.org.mt/.

MeDirect ikompli jappoġġja lit-Teatru Astra matul istaġun 2024/2025

MeDirect, l-ewwel bank diġitali Malti, ġedded l-appoġġ tiegħu għall-programm teatrali tas-Soċjeta Filarmonika La Stella f’Għawdex għal sena oħra. Din is-sħubija se tkompli tappoġġja produzzjonijiet fit-Teatru Astra matul l-istaġun 2024/2025. Id-donazzjoni ġiet ippreżentata lil Andrea Camilleri, Direttur tat-Teatru Astra, minn Frances Zammit, Senior Customer Support Officer fiċ-ċentru ta’ investiment ta’ MeDirect f’Għawdex.

Is-sħubija kontinwa ta’ MeDirect mas-Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella tirrifletti l-impenn tal-bank biex irawwem it-talent artistiku Malti u Għawdxi u l-appoġġ li l-Bank jgħati lil-komunità lokali. Il-bank qed ikompli jikkontribwixxi u jassisti diversi organizzazzjonijiet kulturali u ta’ karità, u jsaħħaħ ir-rwol tiegħu bħala sostenitur tal-arti Maltija.

L-istaġun li ġej fit-Teatru Astra jwiegħed programm vibranti, li jibda bil-Panto f’Diċembru 2024, segwit mill-musical “Fiddler on the Roof” f’Marzu 2025, u li jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu fil-kunċert annwali RockAstra f’Mejju 2025. MeDirect se jkun l-imsieħeb ewlieni għal dawn il-produzzjonijiet, li jassigura li Għawdex ikompli jospita teatru u mużika eċċezzjonali.

Meta tkellmet waqt il-preżentazzjoni, Zammit qalet, “MeDirect huwa kburi li ġedded l-appoġġ tiegħu lit-Teatru Astra, u li qed inkomplu nsaħħu l-pedament kulturali Għawdxi. Is-sħubija tagħna mas-Soċjeta Filarmonika La Stella tippermettilna li jkollna rwol biex inġibu produzzjonijiet ta’ klassi dinjija fil-gżira tagħna. Aħna ħerqana għal staġun dinamiku ieħor mimli bi produzzjonijiet eċċellenti.”

Camilleri esprima l-gratitudni tiegħu, u stqarr, “Aħna ferħanin li MeDirect qed ikompli jagħti s-sostenn tiegħu. Bl-appoġġ kontinwu tal-patruni, l-isponsors u l-komunità tagħna, nistgħu nżommu ħajja t-tradizzjoni tagħna li nippreżentaw teatru u mużika ta’ kwalità għolja f’Għawdex, wirt li ilna nżommu għal aktar minn 50 sena.”

It-Teatru Astra, inawgurat fl-1968, kiber f’wieħed mill-postijiet kulturali ewlenin ta’ Għawdex, magħruf għall-firxa diversa ta’ produzzjonijiet tiegħu, inklużi opri, musicals, u wirjiet internazzjonali. Għal aktar informazzjoni, żur https://teatruastra.org.mt/.

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