‘Theatre is a mirror, a sharp reflection of society’.
–Yasmina Reza
MeDirect understands the importance of theatre and performing arts and believes that the theatre is a part of our society which should be supported. That is why MeDirect is, once again, proud to be the main benefactor and official patron of Teatru Manoel this season.
Teatru Manoel in Malta is the epitome of culture and Maltese history which dates back to 1732, when the locals were looking for operas, pageants, theatrical and dramatic productions. Till this day the theatre presents an annual performance season of concerts, recitals, opera, drama, musicals, dance, an annual baroque festival, and an education programme.
March 27th marks International World Theatre Day, which was initiated back in 1961 and is a way of celebrating and highlighting the importance we should give to theatre, this is usually done through various national and international theatre events.
This is a particularly difficult time for theatres and we cannot but hope that things will change in the near future, that is why we cannot but Think Ahead!
Photo Credit: Brian Grech