MeDirect recently donated €660 to the Appoġġ Children’s Fund. The sum was generated through a fund-raising activity among the Bank’s staff, who participated in a dress-down day and raffle.
The Appoġġ Children’s Fund was set up in 2003 as a collective voluntary effort by some of the staff of Aġenzija Appoġġ. The initiative provides support to underprivileged children, who are receiving assistance from the Foundation for Social
Welfare Services. The Fund aims to mitigate the difficulties that these children endure, due to their difficult living situations.
A cheque of €660 was handed to the Fund’s representatives, Carl Grech and Mario Vassallo, at the MeDirect head office, in Sliema. The money will be used to assist and support children and families, facing social problems.
MeDirect Bank thanks its employees for their generosity, and the volunteers of The Appoġġ Children’s Fund for their valuable social contributions.