Caption: The MPO at a recent audio-visual recording as part of their online programme
‘Music can change the world.’
MeDirect appreciates the importance of performing arts and believes that music is beneficial to us in several ways. That is why MeDirect is, proud to be a corporate partner of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in April 1968, is a keen exponent of Maltese composers, regularly performing their works in Malta and overseas, as well as frequently premiering and commissioning new compositions. Through the MPO Academy and the Malta Youth Orchestra, which regularly give concerts across Malta, the MPO is also responsible for the training and professional development of the next generation of Maltese musicians.
As Malta’s leading musical ensemble, the MPO averages more than one performance a week including symphonic concerts, opera productions in Malta and Gozo, community outreach and educational initiatives, as well as various concerts of a lighter nature.
June 21st marks World Music Day. Initiated back in 1981, it aims to honour amateur and professional musicians alike. It is organised on the day of the summer solstice, with the idea of providing free music to everyone. Through different research projects, it is established that music is beneficial to everyone. It has been linked with lowering stress, helping with mental issues, as well as, helping with concentration and focus. This day also highlights the importance of music for us as social beings.
It is a particularly difficult time for the performing arts community, and we cannot but hope that things will go back to normality soon. That is why we cannot but Think Ahead and look forward to the future.
Photo credits: Darren Agius photography