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MeDirect launches Swift Home Loans Guarantee

Customers who apply for a home loan from MeDirect before 30 September 2023 will be given a €1,000 reward if they do not get a decision on their application within 15 days. This guarantee of a swift home loan response applies on all MeDirect’s retail mortgage products including Home Loans, Green Home Loans, Property Investment Loans and Home Equity Loans. At the same time, MeDirect will be rewarding customers who are able to sign the deed of a property purchase in less than 100 calendar days from the date of issuance of the facility letter with a €1,000 monetary benefit.

Larissa Ciantar, Senior Manager – Mortgage Lending at MeDirect Malta, said, “In recent years MeDirect has established a reputation for its fast and efficient market leading service when it comes to issuing home loans quotes and sanction letters. We’re now backing this up with the Swift Home Loans Guarantee.  As Malta’s first digital bank, we’ve combined technology with the expertise of our team to be able to give customers a better experience and a decision faster than any other bank in Malta. We’re prepared to pay €1,000 to customers if we don’t deliver on our promise.”

In addition to providing this guarantee of a quick decision on home loan applications, MeDirect’s is also giving a €1,000 reward to customers who sign the property purchase deed in less than 100 days from the date when the facility letter is issued. This is designed to incentivise the conclusion of promise of sale agreements into actual purchases, a process which can also be long and frustrating for home buyers. “While MeDirect cannot directly affect the legal processes between buyer and seller, we hope this incentive will help to encourage all concerned to conclude proceedings efficiently.” added Ciantar.  

More information on MeDirect’s guarantee on home loans is available at https://promo.medirect.com.mt/swift-home-loans.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994. Applications are subject to the Bank’s lending criteria. Offer is for a limited time only. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request.


MeDirect jintroduċi Swift Home Loans Guarantee

Il-klijenti li japplikaw għal home loan ma’ MeDirect qabel it-30 ta’ Settembru 2023 se jingħataw €1,000 jekk il-bank ma jieħux deċiżjoni dwar l-applikazzjoni tagħhom fi żmien 15-il jum. Din il-garanzija ta’ deċiżjoni fil-pront dwar home loans tapplika fuq il-prodotti ta’ self kollha ta’ MeDirect. Dawn jinkludu Home Loans, Green Home Loans, Property Investment Loans u Home Equity Loans. Apparti minn hekk, MeDirect se jkun qed jagħti €1,000 lill-klijenti li jiffirmaw l-kuntratt ta’ xiri ta’ proprjetà f’inqas minn 100 jum mid-data tal-ħruġ tas-sanction letter.

Larissa Ciantar, Senior Manager – Mortgage Lending ta’ MeDirect Malta, qalet, “F’dawn l-aħħar snin MeDirect stabbilixxa reputazzjoni għas-servizz veloċi u effiċjenti tiegħhu li jwassal biex joħroġ kwotazzjonijiet tal-home loans kif ukoll is-sanction letter b’mod aktar mgħaġġel minn kif kienet in-norma fuq is-suq. Issa qed noffru wkoll garanzija ta’ dan. Bħala l-ewwel bank diġitali ta’ Malta, għaqqadna t-teknoloġija mal-kompetenza tat-tim tagħna biex inkunu nistgħu nagħtu esperjenza aħjar lill-klijenti u deċiżjonijiet aktar malajr minn kwalunkwe bank ieħor f’Malta. Aħna se nagħtu €1,000 lill-klijenti jekk ma nwettqux il-wegħda tagħna.”

Minbarra li jipprovdi din il-garanzija ta’ deċiżjoni fil-pront dwar l-applikazzjonijiet għal home loan, MeDirect qed jagħti wkoll premju ta’ €1,000 lill-klijenti li jiffirmaw l-kuntratt tax-xiri tal-proprjetà f’inqas minn 100 jum mid-data ta’ meta tkun ħarġet is-sanction letter. Dan huwa maħsub biex jinċentiva l-konverzjoni tal-konvenju f’xiri attwali, proċess li jista’ wkoll ikun twil u frustranti għal xerrejja tal-propjeta’. “Filwaqt li MeDirect ma jistax jaffettwa direttament il-proċessi legali bejn ix-xerrej u l-bejjiegħ, nittamaw li dan l-inċentiv jgħin biex jinkoraġġixxi lil dawk kollha kkonċernati biex jikkonkludu l-proċedimenti b’mod effiċjenti.” żiedet Ciantar.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar il-MeDirect Swift Home Loans Guarantee tinsab fuq https://promo.medirect.com.mt/swift-home-loans.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc huwa regolat mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta bħala Istituzzjoni ta’ Kreditu taħt l-Att Bankarju tal-1994. L-applikazzjonijiet huma suġġetti għall-kriterji ta’ self tal-Bank. L-offerta hija għal żmien limitat biss. Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw u huma disponibbli u jistgħu jinkisbu fuq talba tal-klijent.

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