Easter Closure Notice 2018

Please note that all our branches will be closed between Friday 30th March and Monday 2nd April for the Easter weekend. Branches will open as usual on Tuesday 3rd April. We wish you all a happy Easter!

Nixtiequ navżaw li l-fergħat tagħna se jkunu magħluqin bejn Il-Ġimgħa 30 ta’ Marzu u t-Tnejn 2 t’April għall-festi tal-Għid. Il-fergħat jerġgħu jiftħu t-Tlieta 3 t’April. Nawgurawlkom l-Għid it-tajjeb!


We strive to ensure a streamlined account opening process, via a structured and clear set of requirements and personalised assistance during the initial communication stages. If you are interested in opening a corporate account with MeDirect, please complete an Account Opening Information Questionnaire and send it to corporate@medirect.com.mt.

For a comprehensive list of documentation required to open a corporate account please contact us by email at corporate@medirect.com.mt or by phone on (+356) 2557 4444.