BlackRock Commentary: Putting money to work in 2024

Jean Boivin, Head of BlackRock Investment Institute together with Wei Li – Global Chief Investment Strategist, Alex Brazier – Deputy Head and Vivek Paul – Global Head of Portfolio Research all forming part of the BlackRock Investment Institute, share their insights on global economy, markets and geopolitics. Their views are theirs alone and are not intended to be construed as investment advice.

Key Points

Transition themes: The new regime has led to greater dispersion of returns. We think this backdrop calls for managing macro risk, being selective and seeking out mispricings.

Market backdrop: U.S. stocks hit a new 2023 high and U.S. Treasury yields inched up on Friday after U.S. payrolls data. Market pricing of rate cuts in 2024 still looks overdone. 

Week ahead: We see central banks pushing back against market hopes for rate cuts at this week’s meetings. We expect structurally higher interest rates in the new regime.

We think the new regime of greater macro and market volatility makes this the time to grab the wheel and take an active portfolio approach. Our 2024 Global Outlook outlines how we do that. First, we are deliberate in managing macro risks. Second, we aim to capitalize on greater dispersion of returns by getting selective within asset classes, geographies and sectors. Third, we tap mega forces, the structural shifts we see driving returns and transcending the macro backdrop.

The new regime’s higher interest rates and greater volatility are a sea change from the Great Moderation, the four-decade period of stable growth and inflation that was capped by ultra-low rates in the wake of the financial crisis. That helped suppress macro and market volatility, stoking bull markets in both stocks and bonds – but also limiting the reward of having investment insight. We find that reward is back. The test: Imagine you could perfectly predict future U.S. equity sector returns and adjust your portfolio to capture them. That would have had little upside in the four years before the pandemic. “Buy-and-hold” strategies (the orange bar on the left chart) would have generated similar returns to portfolios allocating to outperforming sectors more frequently (the left yellow and green bars). The reward has been much greater since the pandemic, with rebalancing delivering more than double the hypothetical returns of a buy-and-hold strategy. See the gap between the orange bar and the others on the right chart.

How do we try to capitalize on this new regime? First, we focus on managing macro risk – the first of three investment themes that help us identify opportunities to generate alpha, or above-benchmark returns. Markets have been swinging between hopes for inflation to fall as growth holds up and recession fears. Yet we think the context is that the economy has just climbed out of a pandemic-shaped hole. Plus, structural drivers such as shrinking workforces are poised to push up inflation. One macro risk we’re watching is the uneven market adjustment to structurally higher rates. The income cushion bonds provide has increased, leading us to upgrade long-term Treasuries recently to neutral on a tactical horizon. We went overweight European and UK government bonds at the same time, but have since trimmed again given the fall in yields. This more dynamic approach contrasts sharply with our previously long-held underweight in developed market long-term bonds.

Steering portfolio outcomes

Greater dispersion of returns creates space for investment expertise to shine and means security selection is likely to be more impactful – as detailed in our second theme, steering portfolio outcomes. This involves being dynamic with both indexing and alpha-seeking strategies, while staying selective and seeking out mispricings. For example, we upgraded Japanese equities twice without hedging against currency swings this year due to high compensation for the risk of holding them, strong earnings growth and shareholder-friendly corporate reforms. On sectors, we like European banks for their low valuations and positive outlook for net interest margins, as well as developed market technology.

Harnessing mega forces

Our preference for tech is supported by our third theme, harnessing mega forces, which offer opportunities uncorrelated to economic cycles. Case in point: Investor enthusiasm for digital disruption and artificial intelligence (AI) – one of five mega forces we track – has buoyed U.S. tech stocks and offset the drag of higher bond yields. Our expectation for high-for-longer rates would keep us underweight broad U.S. equities on a tactical, six-to-12-month horizon. Yet adding the AI theme has taken us closer to neutral. Other mega forces present opportunities, too. Within the low-carbon transition, climate resilience – society’s ability to adapt to and withstand climate hazards – is emerging as an investment theme. And we see geopolitical fragmentation dialing up investment in strategic sectors like tech, energy and defense.

Our bottom line

The three investment themes of our outlook guide us on how to take a more active approach to investing. Mega forces help us get granular in DM stocks. And higher rates have increased the income in fixed income, boosting its appeal.

Market backdrop

The S&P 500 hit a new 2023 high, beating the record it set on Dec. 1. The U.S. jobs report for November stemmed the fall in 10-year U.S. Treasury yields – down about 75 basis points from 16-year highs – from markets pricing in multiple Fed rate cuts next year. The data showed a gradually cooling labor market, but falling unemployment and still-high wage growth aren’t consistent with inflation returning to the Fed’s 2% target. So we don’t think the Fed will cut rates as swiftly as markets expect.

The Fed and ECB policy decisions will be the center of market attention this week. We think both central banks will push back against market expectations on how many rate cuts they’ll deliver in 2024 and how soon they will come. For the Fed, in particular, persistent inflationary pressures and loose fiscal policy will prevent it from cutting rates as swiftly as markets expect, in our view.

Week Ahead

Dec. 12: U.S. CPI

Dec. 13: Federal Reserve policy decision

Dec. 14: European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England policy decisions

Dec. 15: U.S., UK flash PMIs

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This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. The opinions expressed are as of 11th December, 2023 and may change. The information and opinions are derived from proprietary and non-proprietary sources deemed by BlackRock to be reliable, are not necessarily all-inclusive and are not guaranteed as to accuracy. As such, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility arising in any other way for errors and omissions (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence) is accepted by BlackRock, its officers, employees or agents. This material may contain ’forward looking’ information that is not purely historical in nature. Such information may include, among other things, projections and forecasts. There is no guarantee that any forecasts made will come to pass. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader.

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Morningstar Insights: What Stocks Do ESG Funds Own?

Sustainable funds are expected to own companies that fit various environmental, social, or governance criteria or provide solutions to society’s sustainability challenges. Yet, the line often can feel blurred between what types of companies are found in a traditional fund compared with a fund that takes explicit ESG approaches.

We compared a variety of portfolios and found three stocks that large-cap ESG funds own at much higher exposures than their traditional counterparts: Microsoft, Nvidia, and Intuit. Additionally, there were three companies not widely held in traditional funds: Trane Technologies, Ecolab, and Aptiv. We include our assessments below from Morningstar analysts as well as from Morningstar Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company that provides ESG data and solutions.

Our Methodology

Generally, sustainable equity funds approach portfolio construction much the same as traditional fund managers, by searching for quality investments with long-term capital appreciation prospects and unique risk and return characteristics. Like all funds, these sustainable equity managers seek to outperform their benchmarks, minimize risk, and protect and expand their portfolios.

On top of that, sustainable funds also use ESG data and metrics to pursue their objectives. These approaches can vary. One approach might be excluding investments based on moral values. Others include limiting ESG risk, seeking ESG opportunities, or targeting sustainability themes. Despite headwinds from the anti-ESG movement, sustainability experts say that ESG investing has become more mainstream as an additional layer of insight to inform financial decisions.

As you might expect, there is also evidence of differing strategies when you analyze the distribution of weights among the holdings of both types of funds. Here’s what we did to compare the funds.

For large-cap ESG funds, we aggregated the holdings of the oldest share classes of all U.S. sustainable large-cap funds. We took the 200 securities that were most commonly owned and then calculated what the average weight of each stock might be in a theoretical portfolio that owned all 200 stocks. Each stock’s weight in the model was determined by taking its average weight and dividing it by the sum of the top 200 stocks’ average weights in the sustainable universe. As an example, if Microsoft had an average weight across the universe of 15%, and the sum of the 200 highest average weighted securities in the universe was 350%, Microsoft would have a model weight of 4.3%. This process for model creation was then repeated for the “traditional universe.” The traditional universe was defined for large-cap funds as the oldest share classes of U.S. large-cap funds, excluding sustainable funds.

Our objective is to gain insights into the unique or underweight securities held by sustainable funds in the large-, mid-, and small-cap universes. Securities in the sustainable model that hold a greater position than the traditional model are considered “overweight” in this study. “Unique” securities are those that are included in the sustainable model but not the traditional model.

*Position for Alphabet is the combined positions of Alphabet Class A GOOGL and Alphabet Class C GOOG. Source: Morningstar Direct. Weights as of Oct. 31, 2023. Data as of Nov. 17, 2023.

What ESG Stocks Did We Find?

Apart from Meta Platforms, the mega-cap companies known as the “Magnificent Seven” make a noticeable appearance among the securities in our model with the highest average weight. Except for and Alphabet, these market-cap giants (which also include Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla) are overweight in the sustainable model as compared with the traditional model. Why so much overlap?

The explanation lies in tracking error, a measure of volatility between a fund and its index.

“Most sustainable large-blend funds still aim to be suitable as core portfolio holdings, meaning that their performance should be similar to large-blend benchmarks,” says Alyssa Stankiewicz, Morningstar’s associate director for sustainability research. “To fully exclude a name such as Microsoft or Apple, which are large portions of the market, an ESG-focused fund would be courting significant performance differences compared with traditional benchmarks.”

Thus, it’s common for active ESG-focused portfolio managers to hold slightly more or slightly less in a given name. In the example above, Microsoft has a slightly higher weighting in our model compared with the Morningstar US Large Cap Index, which makes sense given Microsoft’s relatively good standing on ESG matters compared with industry peers, corresponding to a Morningstar ESG Risk Rating Assessment of Low.

Most Overweight Stocks

Microsoft and Nvidia make another appearance on a shortlist of the top three most overweight securities in ESG funds. Rounding out the trio is Intuit, a provider of small-business accounting software (QuickBooks), personal tax solutions (TurboTax), and professional tax offerings (Lacerte).

Source: Morningstar Direct. Weights as of Oct 31, 2023. Data as of Nov 17, 2023.

Trane Technologies, Ecolab, and Aptiv are the three highest-weighted securities in the sustainable model that were not held by the traditional model at all. Other “unique” investments include industrial automation company Rockwell Automation, water technology provider Xylem, and American Water Works, the largest investor-owned U.S. water and wastewater utility.

Below, we look at these three securities and include comments from Morningstar that describe the investment theses, as well as comments from Morningstar Sustainalytics about ESG risk.

Source: Morningstar Direct. Weights as of Oct. 31, 2023. Data as of Nov. 17, 2023.

Trane Technologies

Morningstar Rating: 1 star

Morningstar Economic Moat Rating: Narrow

Morningstar ESG Risk Rating Assessment: 4 globes

Price/Fair Value: 1.39

Trane Technologies manufactures and services commercial and residential HVAC systems and transportation refrigeration solutions. While the firm is domiciled in Ireland, North America accounts for over 70% of its revenue.


Morningstar Rating: 4 stars

Morningstar Economic Moat Rating: Wide

Morningstar ESG Risk Rating Assessment: 4 globes

Price/Fair Value: 0.88

Ecolab produces and markets cleaning and sanitation products for the hospitality, healthcare, and industrial markets. The firm is the global market share leader in this category with a wide array of products and services, including dish and laundry washing systems, pest control, and infection control products.


Morningstar Rating: 5 stars

Morningstar Economic Moat Rating: Narrow

Morningstar ESG Risk Rating Assessment: 4 globes

Price/Fair Value: 0.52

Another Irish-domiciled company, Aptiv provides automakers with components and systems that are in high demand from consumers and that government regulation requires to be installed. Aptiv’s high-growth technologies include advanced driver-assist systems, autonomous driving, connectivity, data services, and high-voltage electrical distribution systems for hybrids and battery electric vehicles.

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Notes from the Trading Desk – Franklin Templeton

Franklin Templeton’s Notes from the Trading Desk offers a weekly overview of what our professional traders and analysts are watching in the markets. As part of Templeton Global Investments Group, the European equity desk is manned by a team of professionals based in Edinburgh, Scotland, whose job it is to monitor the markets around the world. Their views are theirs alone and are not intended to be construed as investment advice.

The digest

Last week global equity markets were in “wait-and-see” mode ahead of a week of macro catalysts. This week’s highlights include: US Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Tuesday); Federal Reserve (Fed) meeting (Wednesday); European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England (BoE), Swiss National Bank (SNB) and Norges Bank (Thursday). As such, the debate about when we may see interest-rate cuts next year is front and centre for investors. With that in mind, the release of slightly stronger-than-expected US November employment data last week cooled some of the excitement around future Fed rate cuts. In Europe, dovish comments from an ECB hawk brought heightened expectations of rate cuts in 2024.

Amongst the major indices, the MSCI World Index was up 0.2% last week, the S&P 500 Index was up 0.2%, the MSCI Asia Pacific was down 0.4%, and the STOXX Europe 600 Index was up 1.3%.

This week’s central bank meetings in focus

Rising market expectations of central bank 2024 rate cuts, fuelled by falling inflation data, means this week’s central bank meetings will be a key catalyst into year end. While no changes to rates are expected this week from the Fed, BoE or ECB, commentary from them on the 2024 rate path will be key for market direction.

Fed: Last week, some dovish commentary from Fed Governor Christopher Waller raised expectations of 2024 rate cuts. However, the slightly stronger-than-anticipated US employment report caused some of that excitement fade at the end of the week.

On Friday, the headline November nonfarm payrolls number showed an increase of 199,000 jobs. The October payroll number was left unchanged at 155,000. Also, there was stronger wage growth and a lower unemployment rate. The unemployment rate garnered attention, as it came in at 3.7% vs. 3.9% previously, and continues to hover around record lows. It has been used as a key indicator for labour market strength in recent times, so the fact it came in lower than expected maybe indicates that the market is getting ahead of itself in its forecasts for Fed rate cuts.

Following Friday’s data, the market now sees a 40% probability of a Fed cut on 20 March and 60% probability at the May meeting.

ECB: Continuing with the rates theme, it feels that traders may be getting ahead of themselves in pricing how far the ECB will go to accommodate the economy. Currently, the market sees 140 basis points (bps) of cuts in 2024. Core inflation is still running at 3.6%, so it seems unlikely that the ECB’s Governing Council will start slashing rates in the first quarter. The ECB has estimated that (HICP) inflation will average 3.2% next year and hold above 2% through 2025. We think it’s likely that the ECB will revise those estimates lower this week, but don’t expect a massive alteration.

Based on a Bloomberg survey taken last week, a majority of economists only predict smaller reductions, and in the second half of the year. There is less chatter around the BoE meeting, with the rate expected to stay at 5.25%. Market pricing of BoE rate cuts is more skewed to the second half of 2024.

Week in review

United States

US equities struggled for direction either way last week, closing near flat overall. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up a measly 0.01%, the S&P 500 Index was up 0.2%, whilst the Nasdaq Index outperformed, up 0.5%. The VIX fell back again and closed on Friday at its lowest level since January 2020 as markets took stock following a 9% move in November and ahead of a big week for central-bank announcements.

The US Dollar Index was higher last week, a result of the divergence in market expectations for rate moves through the first half of 2024. The key market catalyst last week was the release of the November employment report on Friday, which came in ahead of forecasts. In other data, the latest Institute for Supply management (ISM) Service Index came in at 52.7, with underlying components holding firm.

From the Bank of America “Flow Show” report, the Bull & Bear Indicator surged from 2.7 to 3.8 last week, its biggest weekly jump since February 2012. Also, in terms of fund flows, US-focused equity funds saw their eighth consecutive inflow, this time of US$5.5 billion.

In terms of sector moves last week, communication services stocks were stronger as the mega-caps bounced back following some underperformance the week before. Consumer discretionary stocks were also higher. At the other end, materials were down as cyclicals came under pressure at the start of the week.  Energy was the week’s laggard, with West Texas Intermediate crude oil down 3.8% on the week.

Finally, there has been a lot of emphasis on how the “Magnificent Seven” stocks have powered US equity market moves this year—some 70% of the S&P 500 Index’s move can be attributed to those seven stocks.


Last week was another decent one for European markets, with the STOXX Europe 600 up 1.3% and the EURO STOXX 50 up 2.4%. It was the fourth week of positive performance. The STOXX Europe 600 Index is testing year-to-date highs, trading up 2% in December, up 4% quarter-to-date and up 10% year-to-date. In addition, Germany’s DAX made new all-time highs last week and is up 19.4% year-to-date.

Rate-cut pricing focus shifted from the United States to Europe this week as perennial uber-hawk Isabel Schnabel shifted her stance in a Reuters interview on Tuesday, where she described the decline in inflation as “remarkable.” The markets thus added another 12 bps of cuts to year-end 2024 pricing, so that means around 140 bps of cuts are priced in.

Bond yields continued their move lower; the UK 10-year bond is trading below 4% and the German 10-year bond fell below 2.2% for the first time since May.

Unsurprisingly, real estate stocks strengthened given the yield moves. In other sectors, travel and leisure stocks were also strong. Oil & gas was the worst-performing sector on the back of weakening oil—brent fell 10% and is trading below US$70 per barrel for the first time since June on the back of the lack of cohesion within OPEC+ and concerns over global growth.

In terms of investor flows, European equity saw another weekly outflow, making it 39 weeks in a row.

Finally, after a short period of outperformance, European stocks have resumed a pattern of long-term underperformance to their US peers. That’s widened the discount, in terms of forward price-to-earnings multiples, between European and US stocks, pushing it near a record at more than 30%.


Last week was another muted and mixed week for Asian equities. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index closed the week down 0.43%, with India’s market again the outperformer, up 3.05% on the week amidst five state election results along with positive global sentiment helping the market hit record levels. Japan’s market fell 3.36% last week on comments from BoJ officials indicating that the central bank may abandon its negative interest-rate policy earlier than expected.


As noted, last week was a poor one for the Nikkei. Exporters got hit hard on growing speculation that the BoJ will end its negative interest-rate policy. Speeches from Governor Ueda and Deputy Governor Himino hinted at a policy change at the policy meeting next week.

Risk assets came under further pressure, as data showed that Japan’s economy contracted by more than initially estimated in the third quarter.

Japanese government bonds sold off hard and a very poor 30-year auction didn’t help matters, pushing yields even higher.


The Shanghai Composite Index closed the week down 2.05% on the back of weaker trade and inflation data and Moody’s downgrade of the country’s sovereign debt.

Trade balance data last week showed a very sharp decline in imports (0.6% year-over-year [Y/Y]), which suggests a domestic slowdown. Also, the latest inflation data was also weak, with the November CPI down 0.5% Y/Y and PPI down 3.0%, with deflation taking hold and also pointing to domestic weakness.

Moody’s cut its outlook for China’s government bonds to “negative” from “stable” on Tuesday, saying that the country’s debt-laden local governments and state firms posed downside risks to the economy. This comes on the back of the country’s property crisis, together with waning consumer and business confidence.

Sector-wise, the worst performers were property and construction & materials, as November property sales were still weak.

Autos were also weaker on concerns about another wave of price wars targeting year-end sales, and the news that Shanghai’s “green plate” policy may be subject to change next year, which may reduce electric vehicle sales.

On Friday, the China Politburo announced that fiscal policy will be stepped up “appropriately,” raising the prospect for additional stimulus. It also declared that monetary policy should be flexible, appropriate, targeted and effective, with the previous wording “forceful” dropped from the statement. And finally, it introduced a new slogan: “use progress to promote stability”.

Looking ahead, China’s social financing data and inflation data will be out this week, and the market is hopeful of some positive news out of the central economic work conference this month.

Hong Kong

The Hang Seng Index plunged to a 13-month low. Weak sentiment dominated the market amidst Moody’s downgrade of China’s credit outlook, along with a number of corporates.

Tech giants traded mostly lower after Moody’s downgraded some companies in the space.

The week ahead

There are only 13 trading sessions left in 2023, but this week offers a number of macro catalysts that will set the tone into year-end (as discussed). Starting with central banks, there are 13 policy meetings/interest-decisions this week, nine of which are on Thursday, the including Fed (Wednesday), and the ECB and BoE (Thursday). Macro will focus on US CPI/Producer Price Index (PPI), US Retail Sales, UK employment and Germany ZEW. In Asia, Chinese Industrial Production and Retail Sales on Friday are highlights.

Monday 11 December 

  • Japan PPI
  • US NY Fed One-Year Inflation Expectations

Tuesday 12 December                     

  • UK Average Weekly Earnings ex-Bonus/Jobless Claims Change
  • Eurozone ZEW Survey Expectations
  • Germany ZEW Expectations Survey
  • US NFIB Small Business Optimism; CPI and Core CPI and Real Avg Hourly Earnings; Monthly Budget Statement

Wednesday 13 December

  • UK Monthly gross domestic product/Industrials Production and Manufacturing Production
  • Euro-area Industrial Production
  • US Mortgage Applications, PPI and Core PPI; Federal Open Market Committee Meeting and Chair Jerome Powell’s Press Conference

Thursday 14 December   

  • SNB policy meeting and rate announcement
  • Norges Bank policy meeting and rate announcement
  • ECB Main Refinancing Rate & Deposit Facility Rate
  • UK BoE policy meeting and rate announcement ; GfK Consumer Confidence
  • China FAI, Industrial Production and Retail Sales
  • US Retail Sales, Initial Jobless Claims and Import/Export Index; Business Inventories

Friday 15 December

  • Euro-area Flash Composite PMI Survey
  • UK Flash Composite PMI Survey
  • Germany PMI-Manufacturing, PMI-Services and PMI-Composite
  • US Empire Manufacturing; Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization; PMI-Manufacturing, PMI-Services and PMI-Composite
  • China Industrial Production, Retail Sales


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All investments involve risks, including the possible loss of principal. The value of investments can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the full amount invested.  Stock prices fluctuate, sometimes rapidly and dramatically, due to factors affecting individual companies, particular industries or sectors, or general market conditions. Bond prices generally move in the opposite direction of interest rates. Thus, as prices of bonds in an investment portfolio adjust to a rise in interest rates, the value of the portfolio may decline. Investments in foreign securities involve special risks including currency fluctuations, economic instability and political developments. Investments in developing markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors, in addition to those associated with their relatively small size and lesser liquidity.

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