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Malta’s First Digital Bank wins eBusiness award for the Best use of Technology in Business Transformation

MeDirect Bank Malta has won the “Best use of Technology in Business Transformation” category at the 2021 eBusiness Awards.

The eBusiness Awards are organised by Tech.MT and are aimed at celebrating the successes in technology and promote the most innovative initiatives in the eBusiness community in Malta. These accolades are an endorsement of Maltese success in delivering projects, initiatives, solutions or other achievements in the digital field.

The “Best use of Technology in Business Transformation” category rewards innovation, originality, scope, outcome and external impact. The award also recognises any positive contribution the innovation brings towards environmental sustainability.

“We are truly honoured and proud to be recognised for our efforts in being Malta’s first digital bank. Specifically, the eBusiness award focuses on the success of our new onboarding infrastructure that helps new clients complete their application in a matter of minutes in all countries we operate in” said Arnaud Denis, Chief Executive Officer of MeDirect Group.

MeDirect’s top priority is to provide their customers with the best experience through digital innovation and is therefore continuously adapting to respond to customers’ changing banking needs. The suite of savings and wealth products are available to customers digitally through a best-in-class mobile app and online banking platform.

In 2019, MeDirect embarked on a transformation journey to become a retail-focused digital bank. Through this journey, MeDirect’s technology underwent an impressive transformation, with the bank’s offering excelling at par with the best FinTech companies on the market.

Pawel Malukiewicz, Group Head – Channels and Customer Experience at MeDirect Bank Malta, stated: “This overhaul would not be possible without the direct insights of the Bank’s clients, who continue to push the brand to develop our products and services.”

The award is a great recognition of MeDirect’s successful transformation of the customer application process into a digital one. The new and simplified onboarding process was introduced in the last quarter of 2020, with the aim of significantly reducing onboarding time. The transformation process helped MeDirect improve both its efficiency as well as its customer reach, resulting in an increase of onboarded customers. The Group has also successfully deployed this upgraded onboarding process in Malta and Belgium.

Chris Portelli, Chief Technology Officer at MeDirect Bank Malta, said: “Such an award would not be possible without the top talent at MeDirect – this is one of the main pillars for the success of MeDirect’s technology transformation. As I thank all those involved for their dedication and hard work, I look forward to our upcoming releases within the digital onboarding space and other key initiatives MeDirect has been working on the past few months, including cards and other innovations in the investment space”.

MeDirect Bank forms part of MDB Group, Malta’s third largest banking group in terms of total assets and is a systemically important bank, supervised by the European Central Bank and Malta Financial Services Authority in Malta. The Group currently operates with a retail-centric strategy in both Belgium and Malta and offers customers a safe and convenient way to deposit their savings, together with an easy-to-use wealth platform with a wide range of investment products.


Il-Bank MeDirect jirbaħ unur tal-eBusiness għal L-Aqwa Użu tat-Teknoloġija fit-Trasformazzjoni ta’ Negozju, u jkompli jikkonferma l-pożizzjoni tiegħu bħala l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta

MeDirect Bank Malta għadu kif rebaħ l-unur fil-kategorija ‘L-Aqwa Użu tat-Teknoloġija fit-Trasformazzjoni tan-Negozju’ fl-eBusiness Awards tal-2021.

L-eBusiness Awards huma organizzati minn Tech.MT u huma maħsuba biex jiċċelebraw is-suċċessi fit-teknoloġija u jippromwovu l-iktar inizjattivi innovattivi fis-settur diġitali f’Malta. Dawn l-unuri jikkonfermaw is-suċċess f’Malta fil-qasam ta’ inizjattivi, proġetti, soluzzjonijiet u kisbiet oħra f’oqsma diġitali.

Il-kategorija ‘L-Aqwa Użu tat-Teknoloġija fit-Trasformazzjoni tan-Negozju’ jippremja l-innovazzjoni, l-oriġinalità, l-għan, ir-riżultat u l-impatt estern. L-unur jirrikonoxxi aspetti pożittivi li l-innovazzjoni ġġib magħha għas-sostenibbiltà ambjentali.

“Ninsabu onorati u kburin li ġejna rikonoxxuti għall-isforzi tagħna biex inkunu l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta. Dan l-unur jiffoka fuq is-suċċess tal-infrastruttura tal-onboarding li nedejna biex ngħinu lill-klijenti jsiru membri tal-Bank fi ftit minuti, f’kull pajjiż li noperaw fih,” qal Arnaud Denis, Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ MeDirect Group.

L-ogħla prijorità tal-bank MeDirect hu li jipprovdi l-aqwa esperjenza lill-klijenti tiegħu bis-saħħa tal-innovazzjoni diġitali u għalhekk jaddatta biex dejjem jagħti l-aħjar servizz lill-klijenti tiegħu.

Bis-saħħa tal-mobile app u l-online banking platform, il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect jistgħu jimmaniġjaw il-flus tagħhom minn kull fejn ikunu, xħin iridu.

Fl-2019, MeDirect nieda vjaġġ ta’ trasformazzjoni sabiex isir bank iffokat fuq il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijenti. Matul dan il-vjaġġ, it-teknoloġija tal-Bank MeDirect rat bidliet kbar, u l-bank beda joffri servizzi li jħabbtuha mal-aqwa kumpaniji FinTech fis-suq.

Pawel Malukiewicz, Group Head ta’ Channels & Customer Experience ta’ MeDirect Bank Malta, żied jgħid: “Dan it-tibdil ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr l-għajnuna tal-klijenti tal-bank tagħna li dejjem tawna r-rispons tagħhom biex inkunu nistgħu ntejbu u niżviluppaw il-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħna.”

Dan l-unur juri s-suċċess li kiseb MeDirect bis-saħħa tad-diġitilizzazzjoni tal-proċess tal-applikazzjoni għal membri ġodda. Dan il-proċess ġie mniedi fl-aħħar kwart tal-2020 bil-għan li jnaqqas b’mod sinifikanti l-ħin li wieħed jieħu biex jimla l-applikazzjoni biex isir klijent tal-Bank.

Dan il-proċess għen lil MeDirect itejjeb kemm l-effiċjenza kif ukoll kompla jilħaq iktar klijenti li wassal għal żieda ta’ klijenti ġodda li ngħaqdu mal-Bank. Il-Grupp nieda dan il-proċess aġġornat tal-onboarding f’Malta u anke fil-Belġju.

Chris Portelli, Chief Technology Officer ma’ MeDirect Bank Malta qal: “Unur bħal dan ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr l-aqwa ħiliet f’MeDirect. It-talent li MeDirect jimpjega huwa meqjus bħala wieħed mill-aqwa pilastri għas-suċċess fit-trasformazzjoni teknoloġika. Filwaqt li nirringrazzja lil dawk kollha involuti għad-dedikazzjoni u x-xogħol siewi tagħhom, inħares ‘il quddiem lejn proġetti ġodda fi ħdan l-onboarding u anke inizjattivi oħra li MeDirect ilu jaħdem fuqhom għal dawn l-aħħar xhur, li jinkludu l-cards u innovazzjonijiet oħra fil-qasam tal-investimenti.”

MeDirect Bank jagħmel parti minn MDB Group, it-tielet l-ikbar grupp bankarju f’Malta f’termini ta’ assi totali u huwa bank sistematikament importanti taħt is-superviżjoni tal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew u l-Awtorità Maltija għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji f’Malta. Il-Grupp bħalissa jopera fil-Belġju u f’Malta u joffri l-klijenti tiegħu mod sikur u konvenjenti biex jiddepożitaw flushom, flimkien ma’ pjattaforma b’xelta ta’ prodotti ta’ tfaddil u investimenti.

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