MeDirect Bank launches home loans in the Maltese market

MeDirect, a digital bank delivering access to market-leading financial products, is expanding its product suite by launching their home loan product in the Maltese market.

The launch of home loans is part of MeDirect Bank’s strategy of diversifying its product range in the local market. Whether clients are looking to buy a new property or refinance their existing home loan, MeDirect helps remove the complexity of taking out a home loan, and ensures a personalised service, with a faster and market-leading turnaround, for the issuance of sanction letters. Appreciating that buying a home is one of the most stressful experiences in one’s life, MeDirect’s advisors are set up to being there in helping clients every step of the way, having the flexibility of setting up meetings around clients’ schedules and preferred locations.

Time is valuable and, therefore, the bank created one of the easiest processes on the island by enabling clients to submit all home loan documentation required online, therefore reducing the number of times a client would need to physically visit the bank’s offices.

MeDirect Bank Malta will be assisting clients with the financing for both their primary and secondary residential properties, at competitive rates. MeDirect will not be charging any loan processing, booking, commitment or legal fees which are typically associated when taking out a home loan. In addition, the Bank will be partially refunding notarial and/or architect fees to its clients.

Arnaud Denis, Chief Executive Officer of MeDirect said: “Offering innovative and attractive home loans to the Maltese market, is part of our core strategy in continuing to deepen and broaden our product offering and relationships with our clients.”

He added: “Our focus is to provide a differentiated service from the current market players, primarily, a more digitalised approach with faster turnaround timeframes and competitive pricing strategy. This will be achieved through customer-centric home loan advisors, together with fair and transparent fees.”

Interested clients may contact MeDirect Bank on 25574400 or on One can also obtain more information by visiting, where amongst other information, one can also find a home loan calculator to estimate one’s eligible maximum loan amount, and also get an idea of what the monthly loan repayments will be.

As part of a growing pan-European banking group, MeDirect Bank is one of the largest banks in Malta, focussing on servicing the needs of its clients through the provision of advanced digital banking solutions with its main aim of providing intuitive, easy-to-use banking experience for its clients.


MeDirect, il-bank diġitali Malti li diġa joffri lill-konsumatur aċċess għal diversi prodotti finanzjarji ewlenin fis-suq, qed ikompli jespandi u issa qed iniedi s-servizz tas-self għax-xiri tad-djar fis-suq Malti, jew kif inhuma magħrufa aħjar – il-home loans.

Din it-tnedija hi parti mill-istrateġija ta’ MeDirect li jiddiversifika l-għażla tal-prodotti tiegħu fis-suq lokali. Kemm jekk il-klijenti qed ifittxu li jixtru proprjetà ġdida kif ukoll jekk qed jiffinanzjaw mill-ġdid is-self eżistenti tagħhom, MeDirect lest jgħinhom u joffrilhom soluzzjoni faċli. Il-Bank se jipprovdi servizz personalizzat, effiċjenti u fost l-aqwa li hawn fis-suq, u kommess li jagħtihom risposta malajr, anke biex tinħareġ l-ittra ta’ konferma, magħrufa aħjar bħala s-sanction letter. MeDirect japprezza li meta tkun qed tixtri dar, din hija waħda mill-iktar esperjenzi stressanti f’ħajtek, pero l-konsulenti ta’ MeDirect se jkunu hemm f’kull pass li tagħmel biex jgħinuk u se jkunu flessibbli anke fil-ħinijiet li se jiltaqgħu miegħek skont l-iskeda tiegħek u fil-lokalita’ preferuta minnek.

Illum il-ġurnata l-ħin ta’ kulħadd huwa prezzjuż u għalhekk, il-bank ħoloq proċess ħafif ħafna li bih inti, bħala klijent, tkun jista’ tibgħat id-dokumentazzjoni kollha meħtieġa b’mod elettroniku, u naqqas id-drabi li fihom jkollok bżonn tmur il-bank fiżikament.

MeDirect Bank se jkun qed joffri lill-klijenti tiegħu il-possibilta’ li jixtru l-ewwel jew it-tieni propjetà residenzjali tagħhom b’rati kompetittivi. MeDirect mhux se jżomm tariffi għall-ipproċessar, prenotazzjoni, għall-obbligu jew miżati legali (jew kif inhuma magħrufin processing, booking, commitment u legal fees) li normalment huma assoċjati mas-self għax-xiri tad-djar. Barra minn hekk, il-Bank se jkun qed jirrifondi parzjalment il-miżati nutarili u / jew tal-periti lill-klijent, li jkun qed jissellef.

Arnaud Denis, il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ MeDirect qal: “Li noffru self għax-xiri ta’ djar b’mod innovattiv u attraenti fis-suq Malti hija parti mill-istrateġija ewlenija tagħna biex inkomplu niżviluppaw u nwessgħu il-prodotti u r-relazzjoni tagħna mal-klijenti lokali.”

Hu żied jgħid: “L-enfasi tagħna hi li nipprovdu servizz differenti milli qed joffru l-banek l-oħra fis-suq bħalissa, primarjament, billi noffruh b’mod diġitali, b’risposta f’inqas ħin, waqt li nagħmlu dan b’ rati tal-imgħax mill-aktar kompetittivi. Dan se nwassluh permezz ta’ impjegati li se jkunu speċjalizzati u kwalifikati apposta fuq dan ix-xogħol , kif ukoll b’tariffi raġjonevoli u trasparenti.”

Dawk kollha li huma nteressati jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lill-bank MeDirect fuq 25574400 jew fuq Barra minn hekk, tista’ ssib aktar tagħrif mis-sit , fejn tista’ tikkalkula wkoll il-massimu li tista’ tissellef permezz ta’ home loan calculator, bl-għan li tieħu wkoll idea ta’ kemm se jkunu l-pagamenti li tkun trid tagħmel kull xahar.

MeDirect jagħmel parti minn grupp bankarju li qed ikompli jikber madwar l-Ewropa u huwa wieħed mill-akbar banek f’Malta. Il-Bank huwa mpenjat li jaqdi l-ħtiġijiet tal-klijenti tiegħu permezz ta’ soluzzjonijiet bankarji diġitali utli, moderni u avvanzati waqt li joffrilhom esperjenza tajba u faċli.


MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370). 

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994. Applications are subject to the Bank’s lending criteria. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request.


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