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€50 each for you and your friends with MeDirect’s new referral programme

MeDirect Bank has launched a referral scheme offering existing clients a €50 bonus when successfully referring new customers to the bank. The scheme follows the recent successful launch of MeDirect’s debit cards and gives customers the opportunity to share their positive experiences while also benefitting. New clients who join the bank through this promotion will also be eligible to receive a €50 reward each. To benefit from this promotion, existing clients need to login to online banking or the mobile app and obtain a unique code. This code can then be shared with friends and family who can use it when signing up to become new MeDirect customers.

Rewards of €50 will be paid to existing customers for every new client who signs up to MeDirect, up to a maximum of three new customers. The rewards will be paid to both existing and new clients, providing the new clients download and pair the MeDirect App to their accounts, order a physical or virtual debit card and make a minimum of five transactions amounting to at least €500, within two months.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing at MeDirect Malta, said, “More than 114,000 people across Europe already know the freedom and choice that comes with being a customer of Malta’s first digital bank. As we continue to enhance our customer experience including through the recent launch of our debit cards, this new promotion will give existing clients, who already trust us with more than €4.5 billion in assets, the opportunity to earn a little extra by recommending us and sharing their positive experiences with their friends and family.”

As Malta’s first digital bank, MeDirect offers customers a range of savings and investment products as well as daily banking services, home loans and corporate banking services. More information is available at www.medirect.com.mt. Details on the customer referral promotion, including the full terms and conditions are also available at https://promo.medirect.com.mt/refer-a-friend/.

Terms & Conditions apply. Offer valid for a limited time only. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371).

€50 għalik u għal sħabek bil-programm ta’ riferiment ġdid ta’ MeDirect

MeDirect’s new referral programme
MeDirect’s new referral programme

MeDirect Bank għadu kif nieda programm ġdid ta’ riferiment li joffri bonus ta’ €50 lill-klijenti eżistenti meta jirreferu b’suċċess klijenti ġodda lill-Bank. L-iskema ssegwi s-suċċess riċenti tat-tnedija ta’ debit cards u tagħti opportunità lill-klijenti li jaqsmu l-esperjenzi pożittivi tagħhom filwaqt li jibbenefikaw. Klijenti ġodda li jingħaqdu mal-bank permezz ta’ din il-promozzjoni se jkunu eliġibbli wkoll li jirċievu €50 kull wieħed.

Biex jibbenefikaw minn din il-promozzjoni, il-klijenti eżistenti jridu jidħlu fl-online banking jew fil-mobile app ta’ MeDirect u jiksbu r-Referral Code taghhom. Dan il-code jista’ mbagħad jingħata lil-ħbieb u l-familja sabiex jużawħ meta japplikaw biex isiru klijenti ġodda ta’ MeDirect.

Il-bonus ta’ €50 se jitħallas lill-klijenti eżistenti għal kull klijent ġdid li jiftah kont ma MeDirect, sa massimu ta’ tliet klijenti ġodda. Il-bonus jingħata kemm lill-klijenti eżistenti kif ukoll lill-klijenti ġodda, diment il-klijenti l-ġodda jniżżlu l-MeDirect App, jordnaw debit card u jagħmlu minimu ta’ ħames tranżazzjonijiet li jammontaw għal mill-inqas €500, fi żmien xahrejn.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing ta’ MeDirect Malta, qalet, “Iktar minn 114,000 persuna madwar l-Ewropa diġà jafu l-benefiċċji li tkun klijent ta’ l-ewwel bank diġitali Malti. Hekk kif inkomplu ntejjbu l-esperjenza tal-klijenti tagħna, inkluż permezz tat-tnedija reċenti tad-debit cards, din il-promozzjoni ġdida se tagħti lill-klijenti eżistenti, li diġà jafdawna b’aktar minn €4.5 biljun f’assi, l-opportunità li jirrakkomandawna u jaqsmu l-esperjenzi pożittivi tagħhom mal-ħbieb u l-familja tagħhom.”

Bħala l-ewwel bank diġitali ta’ Malta, MeDirect joffri lill-klijenti firxa ta’ prodotti ta’ tfaddil u investiment kif ukoll self għal-propjeta u servizzi bankarji korporattivi. Aktar informazzjoni tista tinstab fuq www.medirect.com.mt.  Għal iktar dettalji dwar il-il-programm tar-riferiment, inklużi t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet żur https://promo.medirect.com.mt/refer-a-friend/.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet japplikaw. Offerta valida għal żmien limitat biss. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, numru tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-kumpanija C34125, huwa liċenzjat mill-Awtorita Maltija għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji (MFSA) biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwaril-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap.371).

Join MeDirect today to access the tools you need to put your money to work on your own terms.

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