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Commission free offer when you invest with MeDirect

MeDirect, Malta’s first digital bank, is offering new and existing customers the opportunity to invest in mutual funds, bonds, equities and ETFs without incurring any brokerage fees. This offer will apply on orders executed by end of December 2024.

Ingrid Micallef, Head of Wealth at MeDirect, said, “MeDirect’s mobile app and online platform give customers the tools they need to manage their money, their way. Whether they want to invest by themselves or build their wealth with expert guidance, our digital channels are there to provide best in class functionality. Our expert advisors are also on hand to assist those who prefer a personalised experience. Both new and existing customers can now make the most of MeDirect’s best in class investment services without needing to pay any brokerage fees when buying securities.”

MeDirect’s WealthTech mobile app and online platform offer a huge selection of over 4,400 securities, including equities listed on 17 international stock exchanges, several ETFs and mutual funds managed by international leading fund houses, and a selection of local and international bonds. In addition to its digital channels, customers can also seek personal advice at MeDirect’s investment centres located in Sliema and Gozo.

In addition to its wealth and investment products, MeDirect’s mobile app and online banking platform also provides access to a range of savings and home loans products. Daily banking services including the ability to order physical and virtual cards are also available. Joining MeDirect as a new customer can also be completed online through https://onboarding.medirect.com.mt/start.

Further information on the promotion is available at https://promo.medirect.com.mt/buycommissionfree-2024/.

Promotional offer is for a limited time only. Terms & Conditions Apply. If you invest in financial instruments, you may lose some or all of the money you invest. The value of your investment may go down as well as up.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is regulated by the MFSA and is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).

Offerta ġdida għal min jinvesti mal-bank MeDirect

MeDirect, l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta, qed joffri lill-klijenti l-opportunità li jinvestu f’mutual funds, bonds, stocks u ETFs mingħajr ma jeħlu l-ebda miżati.  Din l-offerta se tapplika fuq ordnijiet esegwiti sal-aħħar ta’ Diċembru 2024.

Ingrid Micallef, il-Head of Wealth ta’ MeDirect, qalet, “Il-mobajl app u l-pjattaforma onlajn tal-MeDirect jagħtu lill-klijenti l-għodda li għandhom bżonn biex jimmaniġġjaw flushom, kif iridu. Kemm jekk iridu jinvestu ghal rashom jew anke jekk jixtiequ jaghmlu użu mill-għajnuna provduta mill-esperti finanzjarji tal-bank, il-pjattaformi diġitali tal-MeDirect qiegħdin hemm biex jipprovdu l-aħjar servizz possibli. Il-konsulenti esperti tagħna huma wkoll disponibbli biex jgħinu lil dawk li jippreferu esperjenza personalizzata. Issa l-klijenti kollha jistgħu juzaw is-servizzi finanzjarji relatati mal-investmineti li joffri l-MeDirect mingħajr ma jkollhom bżonn iħallsu l-ebda miżata.”

Il-mobajl app tal-MeDirect u l-pjattaforma onlajn joffru għażla kbira ta’ aktar minn 4,400 investiment differenti. Dawn jinkludu stocks elenkati fi 17-il borża internazzjonali, diversi ETFs u mutual funds mmanigjati minn fund houses rinomati internazzjonalment, u għażla ta’ bonds kemm lokali u anke internazzjonali. Minbarra l- użu ta’ mezzi diġitali, l-klijenti jistgħu wkoll jżuru ċ-ċentri tal-investiment tal-MeDirect li jinsabu f’Tas-Sliema Malta u r-Rabat Ghawdex sabiex jiksbu parir personali rigward l-investimenti.

Minbarra l-prodotti relatati mal-investimenti, il-mobajl app u l-pjattaforma bankarja onlajn tal-MeDirect jipprovdu wkoll aċċess għal numru ta’ prodotti ta’ tfaddil u saħansitra home loans.  Servizzi bankarji ta’ kuljum inkluż l-abbiltà li tordna kards fiżiċi u virtwali huma wkoll disponibbli. Biex issir klijent/a tal-MeDirect, zur https://onboarding.medirect.com.mt/start biex tibda’ il-proċess li huwa kompletament onlajn.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar il-promozzjoni tinsab fuq https://promo.medirect.com.mt/buycommissionfree-2024/.

L-offerta promozzjonali hija għal żmien limitat biss. Termini u Kundizzjonijiet japplikaw. Jekk tinvesti fi strumenti finanzjarji, tista’ titlef xi ammont jew il-flus kollha li tinvesti. Il-valur tal-investiment tiegħek jista’ jinżel kif ukoll jiżdied.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni tal-kumpanija C34125, huwa regolat mill-MFSA u licenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment f’termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi tal-Investiment (Kap. 370).

Join MeDirect today to access the tools you need to put your money to work on your own terms.

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