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International Day of Charity

MeDirect proudly supports one of its employees, Loridana Darmanin, a Manager in the Customer Service Support & KYC team, who will be doing the Camino de Santiago walk covering 115KM over five days. This walk aims to raise funds to construct a kindergarten school in Bongo, Ethiopia.

As the famous saying goes, charity begins at home, therefore, as part of International Day of Charity, which is celebrated on the 5th of September, the Bank organized a fundraising raffle in aid of this charity walk. The sum of €205 was collected by the staff and MeDirect then doubled this amount to €410.

Should you wish to support this great cause, you may do so by donation here: https://gogetfunding.com/camino-di-santiago-charity-fundraising/

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Lorraine Bonello Ghio, Group Head of Administration and HR presents the MeDirect contribution to Loridana.

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