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Mediterranean Bank extends Manoel Theatre Partnership

Mediterranean Bank will continue supporting Manoel Theatre for the sixth consecutive year, thus extending its sponsorship through 2017. The Bank is committed to continue supporting local culture by sponsoring the theatre in its plans to develop and action necessary restructuring plans to ensure the national theatre remains the treasure it is today. Mr Ray Attard, Manoel Theatre’s CEO, said “through the renewal of this sponsorship deal with Mediterranean Bank, Teatru Manoel will continue to offer both the Maltese public and visiting tourists an eclectic and diversified calendar of quality events for the enjoyment of one and all.” Mediterranean Bank ikompli jappoġġja lit-Teatru Manoel  Mediterranean Bank ġedded l-appoġġ lit-Teatru Manoel għal sena oħra, li b’hekk ser jibqa’ għaddej sal-2017. Il-Bank huwa mpenjat li jkompli jgħin lill-kultura lokali u qed jagħmel dan billi jisponsorja lit-teatru għas-sitt sena konsekuttiva. B’hekk il-Manoel jista’ jkompli jiżviluppa l-pjanijiet tiegħu u jieħu l-passi meħtieġa għal ristrutturar, sabiex it-teatru nazzjonali jibqa’ t-teżor li hu llum. Is-Sur Ray Attard, Kap Eżekuttiv tat-Teatru Manoel, qal “permezz tat-tiġdid ta’ dan il-ftehim ta’ appoġġ minn Mediterranean Bank, it-Teatru Manoel se jkompli joffri kalendarju varjat u diversifikat kemm lill-pubbliku Malti kif ukoll lit-turisti biex dawn igawdu avvenimenti tal- għola kwalità.”

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