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MeDirect launches new loan for property investors

MeDirect Malta has launched a new Property Investment Loan. This product is designed for investors who are looking to add a property to their portfolio of assets with the aim of benefitting from future appreciation in the value or of generating rental income. To be able to apply for this loan, investors are required to have a minimum deposit of 25 per cent of the value of the property and satisfy other lending criteria. The maximum term of the loan is 25 years, or up to retirement age of 65.

MeDirect aims to issue quotes for its Property Investment Loan, as with all the other Lending Products offered, within 2 to 3 days, therefore giving customers a faster and market-leading turnaround.

Larissa Ciantar, Senior Manager – Mortgage Lending at MeDirect Malta, said, “Since launching home loans just over two years ago. MeDirect has established a reputation for quickly processing applications from clients, normally within just 2 to 3 weeks. As Malta’s first digital bank we make every effort to maximise the benefits of technology to ensure clients can easily access products and services through our app or website. This commitment to providing a quick and efficient service is also central to our new Property Investment Loan, giving investors the opportunity to move forward with their purchase with the least possible delay.”

Becoming a landlord is a significant step for any investor and requires detailed planning. Unlike the purchase of a residential or holiday home, primary consideration needs to be given to the potential of the purchased property to enhance the value of a portfolio and generate income. In this respect, MeDirect’s Property Investment Loan is designed specifically for those investors able to finance new borrowings from existing income.

Ciantar added, “MeDirect continues to innovate in the mortgage sector across all our markets in Malta, Belgium and the Netherlands. In just two years we have grown our total mortgage portfolio across the group to more than €2 billion. The new Property Investment Loan, which we have launched first in Malta, is the next step in making MeDirect the go-to provider for those wishing to buy a property as an investment with a promise that their loan applications will be processed in a matter of days.”

More information on MeDirect’s Property Investment Loan is available at https://www.medirect.com.mt/property-investment-loans/

This is a marketing communication by MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994. Applications are subject to the Bank’s lending criteria. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request.


MeDirect iniedi prodott ġdid ta’ self għall-investituri fil-proprjetà

MeDirect Malta qed joffri prodott ġdid, il-Property Investment Loan. Dan il-prodott gie mħejji għal investituri li qed ifittxu li jżidu proprjetà mal-portafoll ta’ assi tagħhom bil-għan li jibbenefikaw minn apprezzament tal-valur fil-futur jew li jiġġeneraw dħul mill-kiri ta din il-propjeta. Biex ikunu jistgħu japplikaw għal dan it-tip ta self, l-investituri  jridu jiffinanzjaw depożitu minimu ta’ 25 fil-mija tal-valur tal-proprjetà u jissodisfaw kriterji oħra ta’ self. It-terminu massimu tas-self huwa dak ta’ 25 sena, jew sa l-età tal-irtirar, li preżentament hija ta’ 65 sena.

MeDirect illum il-ġurnata għandu reputazzjoni li joħroġ kwotazzjonijiet fuq il-prodotti tas-self li joffri fi żmien qasir ħafna meta kkumparat mas-suq. F’jumejn jew tlett ijiem, klijent ikollu kwotazzjoni fuq l-applikazzjoni tas-self tiegħu. L-istess efficjenza se tkun qed tingħata lil dawk li jixtiequ kwotazzjoni għal Property Investment Loan biex dak li jkun jkun jista jagħmel id-deċiżjonijiet tiegħu mingħajr dewmien żejjed.

Larissa Ciantar, Senior Manager – Mortgage Lending ta’ MeDirect Malta, qalet, “Minn meta MeDirect nieda l-home loans, ftit aktar minn sentejn ilu, stabbilixxejna reputazzjoni għall-ipproċessar bla dewmien ta’ l-applikazzjonijiet li nircievu mill-klijenti u normalment fi żmien ta’ 2 jew 3 ġimgħat nkunu tajna r-risposta uffijali tagħna. . Bħala l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta aħna nagħmlu kull sforz biex nimmassimizzaw il-benefiċċji tat-teknoloġija biex niżguraw li l-klijenti jkunu jistgħu jaċċessaw prodotti u servizzi faċilment permezz tal-app jew il-websajt tagħna. Dan l-impenn li jiġi pprovdut servizz faċli u effiċjenti, japplika wkoll għall-Property Investment Loan, li jagħti lill-investituri l-opportunità li jixtru l-propjeta bl-inqas dewmien possibbli.”

Li ssir sid ta’ propjeta huwa pass sinifikanti għal kull investitur li jeħtieġ ippjanar dettaljat. B’differenza mix-xiri ta’ dar residenzjali jew ta villeġjatura, jeħtieġ li tingħata kunsiderazzjoni primarja lill-potenzjal tal-proprjetà mixtrija u li din tkun tista ttejjeb il-valur ta’ portafoll in ġenerali u fil-futur u li jkollha l-potenzjal li tiġġenera dħul. F’dan ir-rigward, il-Property Investment Loan ġie ddisinjat speċifikament għal dawk l-investituri li jixtiequ jiffinanzjaw self ġdid mid-dħul kurrenti tagħhom .

Ciantar żiedet tgħid, “MeDirect qed ikompli jniedi prodotti ġodda u nnovattivi fis-settur tas-self ghax-xiri tal-proprjetà fis-swieq fejn jopera. F’sentejn biss kabbarna l-portafoll totali tagħna ta’ home loans, bħala grupp, għal aktar minn €2 biljun. Il-Property Investment Loan huwa prodott innovattiv f’Malta u huwa pass iehor biex MeDirect isir l-għażla awtomatika għal dawk li jixtiequ jixtru proprjetà bħala investiment bil-wegħda li l-applikazzjonijiet għal self tagħhom jiġu pproċessati fi żmien qasir.”

Aktar informazzjoni dwar il-Property Investment Loan ta’ MeDirect tinsab fuq https://www.medirect.com.mt/property-investment-loans/

Din hija komunikazzjoni kummerċjali minn MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc huwa rregolat mill-Awtorità Maltija għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji bħala Istituzzjoni ta’ Kreditu taħt l-Att Bankarju tal-1994. L-applikazzjonijiet huma suġġetti għall-kriterji ta’ self tal-Bank. Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw u jistgħu jinkisbu fuq talba tal-klijent.

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