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medirectalk to discuss high conviction investment opportunities in an uncertain world

Stephen Yiu, Chief Investment Officer at Blue Whale Capital and Lead Manager of the Blue Whale Growth Fund, will be the guest speaker at the next medirectalk. The discussion, which will take place online at 18:00hrs on 30th November 2023, will be titled ‘A high conviction approach in an uncertain world’.

The medirectalk, which is free to tune in to, will focus on how Stephen Yiu and his team are deploying his high conviction active approach based on bottom-up, fundamental research to identify investment opportunities despite the global macroeconomic and geopolitical headwinds. During the event, Stephen Yiu will discuss potential net beneficiaries in these uncertain times including structural growth companies and selective opportunities in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Energy and Reshoring. The free webinar will also include a Q&A session giving attendees the opportunity to put forward any questions they may have.

Speaking about the upcoming medirectalk, Stephen said, “The world around us continues to change and seemingly become more uncertain with every passing month. Despite these challenges, there are still plenty of opportunities out there and at Blue Whale we have always based our investment decisions on fundamental research that gives us a high level of conviction. As a result, we are still able to identify opportunities which provide investors with the potential to achieve positive results.”

Stephen, together with Peter Hargreaves, co-founder of Hargreaves Lansdown, co-founded Blue Whale Capital in 2016. The Blue Whale Growth Fund (UCITS) which is available for MeDirect Malta customers was launched in September 2020, following the original launch of the WS Blue Whale Growth Fund in 2017. The fund is a long-only global equity fund focusing on developed markets.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing at MeDirect Malta, said, “We are looking forward to once again welcoming Stephen to a medirectalk and hearing his insights on how Blue Whale Capital continues to identify high conviction trades. Over the years, medirectalks have developed a strong reputation for providing investors in Malta with a broad range of high-quality information about various investment strategies. This is fundamental to MeDirect’s overall strategy of giving investors the information and tools they need to invest with confidence and autonomy. We are in no doubt that this free online event will prove valuable to all who attend.”

Further information can be found here:  https://medirect.com.mt/invest/medirectalk

To register for this free webinar go to https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7260654055896480352

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MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).


medirectalk se jesplora opportunitajiet ta’ investiment f’ambjent ekonomiku inċert

Stephen Yiu, Chief Investment Officer ta’ Blue Whale Capital u Lead Manager tal-Blue Whale Growth Fund, se jkun il-kelliem mistieden fil-medirectalk li jmiss. Id-diskussjoni, li se ssir online nhar it-30 ta’ Novembru 2023, fis-6:00pm. se tkun intitolata ‘A high conviction approach in an uncertain world’. L-attendenza hi bla ħlas, pero suġġetta għar-reġistrazzjoni.

Dan il-medirectalk se tiffoka fuq kif Stephen Yiu w t-tim tiegħu qed jużaw riċerka fundamentali biex jidentifikaw b’konvinzjoni opportunitajiet ta’ investiment – dan minkejja l-isfidi makroekonomiċi u ġeopolitiċi globali. Matul l-avveniment, Stephen Yiu se jiddiskuti l-benefiċjarji potenzjali f’dawn iż-żminijiet inċerti inklużi kumpaniji f’setturi bhal l-Intelliġenza Artifiċjali (AI) u l-Enerġija u Reshoring. Il-webinar se jinkludi wkoll sessjoni ta’ Q&A  fejn il-parteċipanti  jistgħu jsaqsu l-mistoqsijiet li jista’ jkollhom.

Meta tkellem dwar il-medirectalk li jmiss, Stephen qal, “Id-dinja ta’ madwarna tinbidel kontinwanemt u donnha qed ssir aktar inċerta ma’ kull xahar li jgħaddi. Minkejja dawn l-isfidi, għad hemm ħafna opportunitajiet u bħala Blue Whale dejjem ibbażajna d-deċiżjonijiet ta’ investiment tagħna fuq riċerka fundamentali li tagħtina livell għoli ta’ konvinzjoni. Permezz ta’ din ir- riċerka kapaċi nidentifikaw opportunitajiet li għandhom potenzjal li jiksbu riżultati pożittivi lill-investituri.”

Stephen, flimkien ma’ Peter Hargreaves, ko-fundatur ta’ Hargreaves Lansdown, waqqfu l-Blue Whale Capital fl-2016. Il-Blue Whale Growth Fund (UCITS) li huwa disponibbli għall-klijenti ta’ MeDirect Malta ġie mniedi f’Settembru 2020, wara t-tnedija oriġinali tal-WS Blue Whale Growth Fund fl-2017.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing ta’ MeDirect Malta, qalet, “Qed nistennew bil-ħerqa li għal darb’oħra nilqgħu lil Stephen Yiu f’medirectalk u nisimgħu l-ħsibijiet tiegħu dwar kif it-tim tal-Blue Whale Capital jkompli jidentifika opportunitajiet fuq is-swieq. Matul is-snin, il-medirectalks żviluppaw reputazzjoni qawwija li jipprovdu lill-investituri f’Malta b’firxa wiesgħa ta’ informazzjoni ta’ kwalità għolja dwar diversi strateġiji ta’ investiment. Dawn l-avvenimenti huma parti fundamentali tal-istrateġija ġenerali ta’ MeDirect, dik li nagħtu  l-informazzjoni u l-għodod necessarji lil-klijenti biex jinvestu b’kunfidenza u awtonomija. M’għandniex dubju li dan l-avveniment online  se jkun ta’ valur għal dawk kollha li jattendu.”

Aktar informazzjoni tinsab fuq il-pagna: https://medirect.com.mt/invest/medirectalk.

Biex tirreġistra għal dan il-webinar b’xejn mur https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7260654055896480352.

Il-kelliema nfushom, personalment jew f’isem l-istituzzjonijiet li qed jirrappreżentaw, mhumiex responsabbli għall-opinjonijiet li jesprimu waqt id-diskussjonijiet.

L-informazzjoni mogħtija waqt dawn it-taħditiet hija għal skopijiet ta’ tagħrif ġenerali biss u mhix maħsuba ghal skopijiet legali jew pariri professjonali oħra u lanqas ma tikkommetti lil MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc għall-ebda obbligu.  L-informazzjoni mgħoddija waqt it-taħditiet mhijiex maħsuba biex tkun suġġeriment, rakkomandazzjoni jew solleċitazzjoni biex dak li jkun jixtri, iżżomm jew ibigħ xi titoli u l-eżattezza jew il-kompletezza tagħha mhix garantita.  L-istrumenti finanzjarji diskussi jistgħu ma jkunux jgħoddu għall-investituri kollha u l-investituri għandhom jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet  tagħhom fuq il-bażi ta’ informazzjoni u pariri li jkunu kisbu huma stess dwar kemm ikun xieraq għalihom  li jinvestu fi strumenti finanzjarji jew li jimplimentaw  l-istrateġiji diskussi f’dan il-webinar.

Jekk tinvesti fil-prodott li gie diskuss, tista’ titlef ftit jew il-flus kollha li tinvesti. Il-valur ta’ l-investiment tiegħek jista’ jinżel kif ukoll jitla. Tista’ tiġi ċċarġjat kummissjoni jew tariffa fil-ħin tax-xiri inizjali għal investiment. Kwalunkwe dħul li tikseb minn dan l-investiment jista’ jinżel kif ukoll jitla. Dan il-prodott jista’ jiġi affettwat minn bidliet fil-movimenti tar-rata tal-kambju tal-munita u b’hekk jaffettwaw ir-ritorn tal-investiment tiegħek. Iċ-ċifri tal-prestazzjoni kkwotati jirreferu għall-prestazzjoni tal-passat u m’humiex garanzija jew gwida affidabbli għall-prestazzjoni futura. Kwalunkwe deċiżjoni ta’ investiment f’fond għandha dejjem tkun ibbażata fuq id-dettalji li jinstabu fil-Prospett u fil-Key Information Document (KID), li jistgħu jinkisbu mingħand MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar Il-kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370).

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