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MeDirect’s MeManaged now with €100 minimum investment

MeDirect customers can now open a MeManaged account with a minimum investment of just €100. MeManaged is Malta’s first and only online discretionary portfolio management service and is available through the MeDirect mobile app or internet banking.

A discretionary portfolio management service provides an investment strategy based on the profile of each individual customer’s financial goals and risk appetite. This strategy is then entrusted to the global network of financial experts at MeDirect who take care of it diligently and on an ongoing basis, in partnership with BlackRock – the world’s largest asset manager. To open a MeManaged account, customers are asked to complete an intuitive online questionnaire which establishes their investment profile. Based on this individual profile, an investment strategy is specifically assigned.

Those customers who open accounts before 30 June 2023 and opt to invest a minimum of €2,000 will also enjoy the additional benefit of having their accounts topped up by up to €200. More information on MeManaged, including the additional top ups available until 30 June 2023, is available on https://promo.medirect.com.mt/discretionary-portfolio-management/.

Investors can then opt to continue building their portfolio by investing a minimum of €100 every month. Consequently, customers can continue to build their portfolio and benefit from cost-averaging meaning that they are buying assets at regular intervals, and at different prices, thus providing some protection from market volatility.

The portfolio is fully managed by MeDirect, and customers will receive regular monthly updates on its performance. Customers can also track its performance online through the MeDirect mobile app, or via internet banking, on a 24/7 basis.

Ingrid Micallef, Head of Products and Marketing, at MeDirect Bank said: “Discretionary Portfolio Management has traditionally been a personalised service reserved only for high-net-worth individuals. By using technology and partnering with BlackRock we have fully digitalised this product, making it available to practically everyone. In the weeks and months ahead, MeDirect will continue to launch new initiatives geared towards the democratisation of investment and wealth management products.”

MeDirect Bank Malta is the Island’s First Digital Bank and offers its clients access to market-leading financial products. One can become a client of MeDirect and open a MeManaged account by clicking https://onboarding.medirect.com.mt/start. For further information clients may contact MeDirect Bank on 25574400 or visit www.medirect.com.mt.

This is a marketing communication by MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc. Terms and conditions for the promotion apply. Offer is valid for a limited time only. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).


MeManaged issa b’investiment minimu ta’ €100

Il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect issa jistgħu jiftħu kont MeManaged b’investiment minimu ta’ €100 biss. MeManaged huwa l-ewwel u l-uniku servizz onlajn ta’ Discretionary Portfolio Management f’Malta li hu aċċessibli minn fuq il-mobile app jew l-internet banking ta’ MeDirect.

Dan is-servizz jipprovdi strateġija ta’ investiment ibbażata fuq l-għanijiet finanzjarji tal-klijent u l-ammont ta’ riskju li jkun lest li jieħu. Din l-istrateġija mbagħad tiġi fdata f’idejn esperti finanzjarji ta’ MeDirect li, fi sħubija ma’ BlackRock, jieħdu ħsiebha b’mod diliġenti u fuq bażi kontinwa. Biex il-klijenti jkunu jistgħu jibdew jużaw il-MeManaged, l-ewwel jiġu mitluba jimlew kwestjonarju onlajn sabiex jinħoloq profil ta’ riskju individwali u tiġi assenjata strateġija ta’ investiment speċifika għall-klijent.

Dawk il-klijenti li jiftħu kont qabel it-30 ta’ Ġunju 2023 u jagħżlu li jinvestu minimu ta’ €2,000 se jgawdu wkoll minn ammont addizzjonali sa massimu ta’ €200 li MeDirect se jkun qed iżid mal-ammont investit mill-klijent.  Aktar informazzjoni dwar il-kont MeManaged, inkluż it-top ups addizzjonali  tinstab fuq https://promo.medirect.com.mt/discretionary-portfolio-management/.

L-investituri jistgħu jagħżlu li jkomplu jibnu l-portafoll tagħhom billi jinvestu minimu ta’ €100 kull xahar. B’hekk il-klijenti jistgħu jkomplu jibnu l-portafoll tagħhom u jibbenefikaw minn cost averaging, li jfisser li jkunu qed jixtru assi f’intervalli regolari, u bi prezzijiet differenti, u b’hekk din l-istrategija tipprovdi protezzjoni mill-volatilità tas-suq.

Il-portafoll huwa mmaniġġjat totalment minn MeDirect, u l-klijenti jirċievu aġġornamenti kull xahar dwar il-prestazzjoni tiegħu. Il-klijenti jistgħu jiccekjaw l-portafoll onlajn permezz tal-mobile app jew ta’ l-internet banking ta’ MeDirect, fuq bażi 24/7.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing ta’ MeDirect Bank qalet: “Discretionary Portfolio Management tradizzjonalment kien servizz personalizzat riservat biss għal individwi li jkollhom ammonti sostanzjali biex jinvestu. Permezz ta’ l-użu tat-teknoloġija u s-sħubija tagħna ma’ BlackRock, iddiġitalizzajna dan il-prodott għal kollox, u għamilnieħ aċċessibli għal kulħadd. Fil-ġimgħat u x-xhur li ġejjin, MeDirect se jkompli jniedi inizjattivi ġodda mmirati lejn id-demokratizzazzjoni tal-prodotti tal-investiment u tal-ġestjoni tal-ġid.”

MeDirect Bank Malta huwa l-ewwel Bank Diġitali f’Malta li joffri lill-klijenti tiegħu aċċess għall- prodotti finanzjarji ewlenin fis-suq. Wieħed jista’ jsir klijent ta’ MeDirect u jiftaħ il-kont MeManaged billi jzur hawn: https://onboarding.medirect.com.mt/start. Għal aktar tagħrif il-klijenti jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lil MeDirect Bank fuq 25574400 jew iżuru www.medirect.com.mt.

Din hija komunikazzjoni kummerċjali minn MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc. Termini u kundizzjonijiet għall-promozzjoni japplikaw. L-offerta hija valida għal żmien limitat biss. MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc. bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni C34125, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar il-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370).

Join MeDirect today to access the tools you need to put your money to work on your own terms.

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