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The UK Referendum on leaving the EU (Brexit)

We have entered a period of considerable uncertainty following the UK’s vote to leave the EU. This uncertainty encompasses the whole of the political and economic spectrum and the
full impact will not be known for some time.

In light of the above, capital markets have entered a period of extreme volatility. While such episodes always create
opportunities for investors who are prepared to think independently and adopt a long-term, valuation-driven approach, they nevertheless contain dangers for investors too.
Chief among these dangers is the temptation to react too quickly or with too much confidence in the wake of the outcome of this significant event.

We remind you that investing is for the long-term. If you choose to sell your holdings, any losses will be crystallised and you won’t benefit from any rebound in the stock markets.
We have in the past referred to research that shows that such rebounds and peaks are crucial to earning a healthy long-term return.

Consequently, we are prioritising research over reaction, and would encourage our clients to do the same.

Good long term investing is about keeping your long-term investment goals in mind rather than reacting to shorter-term events.

As we carefully assess, together with Morningstar, the fundamental impact on the fair value of the asset classes that we monitor, we expect to uncover new investment
opportunities that should improve the long-term expected returns of our portfolios.

Furthermore, our partner Morningstar is in close contact with the managers who run the underlying funds in our portfolios. Each of these managers has been carefully chosen
for their experience, expertise and rigorous investment process. We therefore expect them to approach the current situation with a similar long-term, opportunity seeking mind-set.

If we can be of any further help at this stage, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by visiting one of our branches.



Ir-Referendum tar-Renju Unit biex jitlaq mill-Unjoni Ewropea (Brexit)

Qegħdin f’perjodu ta’ inċertezza konsiderevoli, wara l-vot tar-Renju Unit biex joħroġ mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Din l-inċertezza tinkorpora bis-sħiħ ix-xena politika, kif ukoll
ix-xena ekonomika.

Fid-dawl ta’ dan kollu, is-swieq kapitali daħlu f’perjodu ta’ volatilita’ kbira. Waqt li episodji bħal dawn dejjem joħolqu opportunitajiet għal
investituri li jkunu jaħsbu b’mod indipendenti u b’viżjoni għat-tul fuq il-valur tal-assi, jista’ jkun hemm ukoll perikli għall-investituri. Fost l-akbar riskji hija t-tentazzjoni
ta’ rejazzjoni mgħaġġla żżejjed jew inkella b’wisq kunfidenza li tista’ tittieħed fid-dawl ta’ dan l-avveniment daqshekk sinifikanti.

Nixtiequ infakkruk li meta tinvesti dan għandu jkun għal tul ta’ żmiem. Jekk tagħżel li tbiegħ l-assi tiegħek, kull telf li jkun hemm dak il-ħin jiġi kristalizzat, u ma tibbenifikax
mill-ebda irkuprament li jista’ jkun hemm ʾil quddiem fis-swieq. Fil-passat dejjem irrikorrejna għal riċerka li turi li ċertu irkuprament wara żminijiet ta’ taqlib huma kruċjali
biex jagħtuk dħul u profit tajjeb fuq medda ta’ żmien twil fuq l-investimenti tiegħek.

B’konsegwenza ta’ dan, aħna nagħżlu li nagħmlu analiżi minflok reazzjoni, u inħeġġu
lill-klijenti tagħna jagħmlu l-istess.

Investiment tajjeb u fit-tul jinkiseb meta wieħed iżomm ġo moħħu dak li jrid jikseb fl-aħħar ta l-investiment,
u mhux billi jirrejaġixxi għal sitwazzjonijiet finanzjarji li jinħolqu f’perjodi qosra ta’ żmien.  

Waqt li aħna, kif ukoll Morningstar, inkunu qed nevalwaw
is-sitwazzjoni bir-reqqa, u jkollna stimi ta’ l-impatt ekonomiku fuq l-assi differenti li nkunu qed nsegwu, nistennew li niskopru opportunitajiet ġodda ta’ investiment li
għandhom jtejjbu l-qliegħ fit-tul tal-portafoll ta’ investimenti tagħna, inklużi l-Model Portfolios.

Barra minn hekk, is-sieħeb tagħna Morningstar qiegħed
f’kuntatt dirett mal-fund managers tal-funds tal-Model Portfolios. Dawn il-fund managers huma nies magħżula bir-reqqa minħabba l-esperjenza
vasta tagħhom, l-għarfien u l-professjonalita’ tagħhom apparti l-proċess rigoruż li jsir f’kull invesitment f’dawn il-funds. Għalhekk nistennew lil dawn
il-fund managers li jiffaċċjaw din is-sitwazzjoni preżenti b’mentalita’ simili għat-tul waqt li jfittxu kull opportunita’ tajba għall-investiment.

Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew tixtieq aktar informazzjoni tista’ tikkuntattjawna billi ċċemplilna jew iżżur waħda mill-fergħat tagħna.

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