News & Updates

In our News & Updates section, we’ll keep you informed about what is happening at MeDirect Group. Through this section we also publish weekly market updates provided by well-established fund houses and other interesting financial reads. Make sure to visit often to keep yourself up to date.


BlackRock Commentary: Favouring Euro stocks in global restart

As economies start to normalize, we see European equities as the most attractive regional exposure to a differentiated global reopening. The region sports a robust health infrastructure, exposure to a pickup in global growth, and galvanized policy response with room for more stimulus.

mutual funds

Exploring Mutual Funds – Diversification

Diversification refers to choosing different classes of assets with the objective of maximising the returns and minimising the risk profile. The strategy involves spreading your money among various investments in the hope that if one loses money, the others will make up for those losses.

saving for the future

Saving for tomorrow starts today

Saving money will benefit you in the future. Whether it’s a down payment for a house, pension money or a medical emergency, you can only stand to gain by putting money aside.

BlackRock Commentary: Why we like credit

BlackRock have recently moved to a strategic overweight on credit after being underweight for the past year. Cheaper valuations compensated for the risk of corporate defaults and downgrades in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, in their view. BlackRock also prefer credit over equities on a tactical basis.

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