Social Impact Awards 2017

MeDirect partners with the Social Impact Awards

MeDirect congratulates all the participants and winners of the 2017 Social Impact Awards, which were held on Thursday 16th November 2017. Of the eight worthy projects presented on the night, five projects were awarded funding to get their schemes off the ground. The judging panel, which included our very own Lorraine Bonello Ghio, Group Head of HR and Administration, awarded first place and €40,000 to OOPS, a student project at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School which aims to provide free mental health services to students. Friendship Cards, a project aimed at improving children’s emotional literacy and conflict resolution skills, won the €35,000 second place prize, whilst Hospice Malta and Malta Youth Athletes Network jointly claimed third prize and €20,000 each. The Audience Participation Award and the ZAAR Crowdfunding Malta Award were awarded to the Migrant Women Association Malta for their food truck project, which will lead to the employment and financial independence of around 40 migrant women. The Audience Participation Award prize and CORE award of €8,300 was matched by the committee, leading to a total prize of €16,600. MeDirect is proud to have been a headline sponsor for this event, and wishes all participants every success in their efforts.

MeDirect tappoġġja l-iSocial Impact Awards

MeDirect jifraħ lill-parteċipanti kollha u lir-rebbieħa tas-“Social Impact Awards 2017” li ttellgħu nhar il-Ħamis 16 ta’ Novembru. Mit-tmien proġetti li tressqu għal dan il-premju, il-ġurija, li kienet tinkludi l-parteċipazzjoni ta’ Lorraine Bonello Ghio, Group Head of HR and Administration, għażlet erba’ rebbieħa filwaqt li l-udjenza preżenti vvutat għar-rebbieħ tal-“Audience Participation Award.” L-ewwel post li kien abbinat ma’ premju ta €40,000 intrebaħ minn OOPS, organizazzjoni ta’ studenti mill-iskola Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary li ser jibdew joffru servizzi ta’ saħħa mentali b’xejn lil studenti fl-iskola. Il-proġett “Friendship Cards” li huwa maħsub biex jgħallem lit-tfal dwar l-emozzjonijiet u kif isolvu kunflitti bejniethom, rebaħ it-tieni premju ta’ €35,000 filwaqt li Hospice Malta u l-“Youth Network Foundation” gew fit-tielet post u rċivew €20,000 kull wieħed. Il-“Migrant Women Foundation” kienu r-rebbieħa tal-premji “Audience Participation Award” u “CORE Award”, li ssarrfu f’total ta’ €16,600 li jikkonsisti minn €8,300 li nġabru dakinhar u €8,300 li offra l-kumitat. MeDirect huwa kburi li kien wieħed mill-isponsors ewlinin għal dan l-avveniment u jawgura kull suċċess lil parteċipanti kollha.

Valuing the Values We Value – Runner-Up: Gregory Nicol

How do you build wealth for your future? You invest with a bank that makes your future its business by keeping its values front and centre. 

If you had a crystal ball, among the questions you’d want answered about your future would be whether your investments had grown well, whether you’d have the necessary wealth for a comfortable retirement, and that your children and grandchildren were taken care of financially as part of your legacy.

But without this lens into the future, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Is my wealth growing enough? Does my bank really have my financial goals and interests at the heart of its values?”

It’s in our name

At MeDirect, our values are founded on knowing what’s important to you: keeping your hard-earned money safe whilst also growing your wealth so you can enjoy the future you want. Your trust is at the heart of everything we do, which is why we’re continually innovating and raising the bar to offer products and services that really serve you. Think high-interest savings, tools that let you manage your investments, and expert financial advisers who are continually watching the horizon, all to help you reach your goals. Our values shine through in the tools we are providing for your financial security, which are at the heart of all we do.

Numbers count

Delivering these values to our customers is at the core of MeDirect and everything we do. And it shows in our growing numbers. We’re proud of the fact that we currently have 50,000 retail customers across Europe who’ve entrusted their savings with us. It’s growing too, with MeDirect gathering assets at a rate of around 1 million euros daily thanks to our ability to deliver products tailored to your needs and our expertly trained and proactive customer service agents ready to put you first. Sound like values you want in your bank? We think so too.

The financial partner you want

We love that our values serve you, but at MeDirect, we’re not just value-focused, we’re future-focused too. By banking with us you’ll always have peace of mind that your banking partner thinks ahead, just like you do.

Valuing the Values We Value – Winner: Roderick Bugeja

The values we share at MeDirect define us as an organisation. MeDirect is no longer the small bank that was set up in Malta back in 2005. It is now the third largest bank in Malta (by way of assets) and this was achieved thanks to the collective efforts of everyone within the organisation and with clear vision from senior management. So as a first statement the phrase constantly-evolving culture best describes the cultural perspective of the group. 

Evolving because the group has been able to:

  • Create change to stakeholders, especially our customers through self-service capabilities.
  • Think ahead, giving the local and foreign investor the opportunity to Bank ahead.
  • Safeguard our integrity by adopting the best practice in terms of internal controls.

A top value trait at MeDirect Group is surely innovation. Innovation was evident in the way that in 2012, Mediterranean Bank was the first bank in Malta to launch an online trading platform for the local market, thereby giving investors control over their investments. Innovation has helped the customers of MeDirect group create their own financial value/future.

In light of developments in the global banking sector, MeDirect Group has placed significant importance on achieving the best practice in corporate governance, something the group prides itself on achieving. Our strict internal controls have enabled MeDirect to mitigate the compliance-risks which are inherent in the development of innovative services and be able to best respond to local and foreign regulators. This stance has helped MeDirect Group meet the challenges of being supervised by the European Central Bank (ECB) … that’s a big milestone to achieve! This would not have been possible without the dedication of all personnel.

Finally, the new face of MeDirect Group continues to emphasise the concept that the Group’s commitment has always been and always will be about growing innovatively and retaining a close relationship with our customers. In being innovative the group can continue to create market change whilst staying ahead of any challenges that might crop up from time to time. The solid foundation of the group makes it a good candidate for achieving further success locally and abroad.


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